Sunday, October 31, 2010

American debt bubble - Dem insanity

WHY WE HAVE THE PROBLEMS WHICH WE ARE FACING. It is because of corruption, fraud, greed.... of the insanity which is robbing Americans and America.

CNN Poll: Those who say things going poorly higher than 1994 or 2006

By the CNN Wire Staff
  • Economy remains top concern for Americans
  • Poll finds unease about United States on election eve
  • Only 25 percent say things are going well in the country today

Washington (CNN) -- The number of Americans who say things are going badly in the country, at 75 percent, is higher than it has been on the eve of any midterm election since the question was first asked in the mid-1970s, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday also indicates that the economy remains, by far, the top issue on the minds of Americans. Fifty-two percent of people questioned say the economy's the most important issue facing the country.

"That's more than the deficit, education, health care, terrorism, energy, illegal immigration and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq combined," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "No other issue was named as the country's top problem by more than 8 percent."

The economy has been the issue most on the mind of Americans in CNN polling since the end of 2007.

The top concern remains unemployment, with 58 percent saying it's the most important economic issue facing the country today, followed by the deficit at 20 percent, and taxes and mortgages tied at 8 percent each.

Just one in four polled Americans say things are going well in the country today, with three-quarters saying things are going poorly.

"Even in 1994, when the Republicans last took control, and in 2006, when control flipped back to the Democrats, roughly half the public was satisfied with the state of the nation," adds Holland. "Only 25 percent say that things are going well in the country today, and voters appear poised to take it out on the Democrats on Tuesday."

Despite the current gloom, 55 percent say that things will be going well in the country a year from now, and 78 percent believe that things are going well in their own personal lives.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted October 27-30, with 1,006 adult Americans -- including 921 registered voters and 542 likely voters -- questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points.

CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser contributed to this report.

WHO IS NOT ANGRY ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON -- unless those who are claiming to restore sanity while they are a part of insanity.


Barry loses his cool: Angry Obama yells BACK at hecklers… as new poll shows his own party isn’t sure he should be President in 2012


Barry loses his cool: Angry Obama yells BACK at hecklers…as new poll shows his own party ins’t sure he should be President in 2012

The pressure is on Barack Obama - and it is starting to show. The famously-cool President lost his temper in Connecticut yesterday after hecklers interrupted a speech he was giving at a rally. Astonished attendees watched as Mr Obama interrupted his own speech as the hecklers - believed to be activists seeking more global Aids funding - began chanting at him.

How can restore sanity when they are doing More of the same insanity of debt bubble hype and spending.


All what we are seeing is insane market hype while literally robbing US Treasury -- how can see we see sanity while Obama-Benranke is continuing to literally robbing Americans and America.


It was about Bernanke green-bomb again -- or wasn't it Green-shoot again.

Halloween, All Saints Day, and Martin Luther

Remembering Martin Luther who is the Father of Protestants,_Wittenberg

Christian and non-Christian celebrations around the globe are manipulated by "Commercial" purpose or other hidden agenda such as expanding power and wealth. This is more evident during ancient days retrospectively tracing back to ancient history as more people believed in all kinds of divine powers before modern civilization. Also, understanding the spiritual conflicts among different faith such as Christianity between Protestant and Catholics, Judaism, and Muslim for example.

Martin Luther is the father of Protestants, and there is no celebrative day set for him, but we have Halloween which is the day when Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses on 10/31/1517.

Roman Catholic declared All Saints Day. Without going into much details, there is hidden animosity among high ranking church positions (such as Pope, Cardinals, and Jesuits) between Protestant and Catholic rooted in Martin Luther, even though I am not sure how much it is real as of today. Given the history surrounding the Martin Luther 95 Thesis and the origin of the name, Halloween, it is evident that the spiritual conflict is still exists today. Note the date when Halloween is celebrated. It is after the Martin Luther 95 Thesis on 10/31/1517.

Origin of name

The word Halloween is first attested in the 16th century and represents a Scottish variant of the fuller All-Hallows-Even ("evening"), that is, the night before All Hallows Day. Up through the early 20th century, the spelling "Hallowe'en" was frequently used, eliding the "v" and shortening the word. Although the phrase All Hallows is found in Old English (ealra hālgena mæssedæg, mass-day of all saints), All-Hallows-Even is itself not attested until 1556.
