Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bernanke denial of stagflation or recession

DISAPPOINTMENT: The Fed didn't control housing market lending industry so that many lost money and are in financial trouble. Furthermore, Bernanke is not willing to lower LT interest rate to relieve financial pressure which many are facing.

Bernanke is not doing much to help out economy and many who are in need of lower interest rate, as he is denying that we are in stagflation or in recession.

Markets performed poorly with the Fed encouraged commodity hype as example Goldman on oil drillers.

Is Bernanke planning to take money out from the market at the same time when many are already in distress?

Markets formed double peak without making higher/high price action, i.e. SPX 1388 vs 1396.

Weekly price action shows very oversold since market remained in a tight range.

Bernanke is just sitting tight, and does not do much even though, remember, many are already or almost dead because of induced mismanagement of their finances. The Q&A reflects Senate Banking Committee does not want to step over Bernanke's management realm so that they can only ask questions after the facts.

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