Tuesday, March 18, 2008


SPX traded to 1330.74 closing at HOD and at a resistance.

Markets are showing positive divergences. That confirms the price actions since 3/11/08 and completing the retest of the low of the low. For those are constantly looking for "Retest of the lows" now have undeniable retest of the low of retest of the low... We have about 2-3 spanking retest of lows.

I noted that we have a CIT date during this week and it is very encouraging to see market actions building base at the LT support.

DOW rallied 420 points closing at 12392 above 50dma near at 12500 r. As noted that markets were showing positive divergences, as now we saw markets have rallied. Markets are showing "retest of bottom" with P.D. and progressing after 3/11/08 rally with a follow-through.

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