Friday, July 11, 2008

1Best Signals 080711 ~ a brief note

Volatile market ~ need to pay close attention to markets.

Have a good weekend, ALL


PS John Magee closed windows with wood board to focus, no wonder. With markets like this, it is a very good idea, for that matter, any types of markets.


FRE and FNM traded in wild waves.

It is a waste of my time, for that matter for anyone who is experienced in markets, to post on boards as it is to comment on many aspects of trading. I do not have time to comment on all of my market thoughts as we only have the limited time. What I post on boards is less than 1% of what I observe or think after performing market analysis.

Especially in the current market condition, I will not post regularly as I need to focus on markets and can not be distracted. This is true for anyone who is serious about trading.


Earlier post

VIX is up obviously as I noted that markets are going crazy with geopolitical issues as well as financial sector as we heard recently during the last few days, based on the comments by the Fed and banking officials instead of hearing stable comments. I have commented on VIX for years and there is no time to comment on all our market analysis. You will see my VIX analysis on my previous comments and I didn't update my analysis for it is a waste of my time and there is not enough time to do all. What I express on board or anywhere is less than 1% of what my thoughts are at any given time because there is no time for everything. Also, traders copy others' successful trading system as I am seeing the same market analysis which I posted during the last few years market calls.

Adopting other traders and market analysis timing will invalidate the method eventually because others copy them all. At the present market turmoil and manipulation, it is obvious that financial and energy sectors are most volatile.

Based on my observation, it is non-sensical to be jerked around with markets at this time except daytrading. However, markets find bottoms during crazy period.

Need to see more stable market.

Weekly brief

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