Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bernanke greenshoot market = Madoff

The Fed Bernanke = re Madoff's chief financial officer
Except that the Fed does not get caught for exploding the US Debt, swindling massive American wealth in trillions by manipulating money supply and media, and corrupting the culture.

The Fed manipulation: Americans are still fooled by the Fed and secretly colluded money swindling by indebting Americans with trillions.

The secret money swindling has gone for decades, but recently many are now aware of the facts. Given some evidences of statistical numbers such as US debt and financial market manipulation, we would think that some would wake up by now.

$COMPX 1998.72 28.99 1.47% 2,137,969
$INDU 9361.38 119.93 1.30% 1,215,424
$INX 1005.80 11.45 1.15%

Understanding this chart does not require a doctorate degree. Since 2000 after the Greenspan financial manipulation, Americans were slaughtered and still secretly and subtly being slaughtered with false hope propaganda just it was during the 1990-2007. Now, the greed has taken Americans to the next level of indebting the country by trillions. May GOD open the eyes of AMERICANS to understand what is happening -- getting robbed in bright daylight.

The Fed Bernanke greenshoot = Madoff = the US Seth Tobias case

enslaving USA --> Markets are continuing to show extreme manipulation further indebting the United States and Americans.

Summers provide informative statistical analysis on unemployment rate and prospects, astonishing level of derivatives which will be used as sudden market dynamic change to manipulate market direction. The market manipulation to swindle massive Americans and many around the world has been worked during the last decades sucking up trillions from many around the world.

The $1 QUADRILLION Derivatives Time Bomb

Few commentators care to mention that the total notional value of derivatives in the financial system is over $1.0 QUADRILLION (that’s 1,000 TRILLIONS).

US Commercial banks alone own an unbelievable $202 trillion in derivatives. The top five of them hold 96% of this.

1) High Frequency Trading Programs account for 70% of market volume

2) Even counting HFTP volume, market volume has contracted the most since 1989

Indeed, volume hasn’t contracted like this since the summer of 1989. For those of you who aren’t history buffs, the S&P 500’s performance in 1989 offers some clues as what to expect this coming fall. In 1989, the S&P 500 staged a huge rally in March, followed by an even stronger rally in July. Throughout this time, volume dried up to a small trickle.

4) 13 Million Americans Exhaust Unemployment by 12/09

A lot of the bull-tards in the media have been going wild that unemployment claims are falling. It strikes me as surprising that this would be true given the fact that virtually every company that posted the alleged “awesome” earnings in 2Q09 did so by laying off thousands of employees:

5) The $1 QUADRILLION Derivatives Time Bomb

Few commentators care to mention that the total notional value of derivatives in the financial system is over $1.0 QUADRILLION (that’s 1,000 TRILLIONS).

US Commercial banks alone own an unbelievable $202 trillion in derivatives. The top five of them hold 96% of this.

As you can see, Goldman Sachs alone has $39 trillion in derivatives outstanding. That’s an amount equal to more than three times total US GDP. Amazing, but nothing compared to JP Morgan (JPM), which has a whopping $80 TRILLION in derivatives on its balance sheet.


Obviously, another puzzle fitting into the motive.

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