Monday, January 31, 2011

2011 budget deficit: the highest in 65 years


Fed Reserve and greedy politicians market manipulation -- bubble/crash massive destruction of the mass while they are literally robbing trillions.


The 2011 budget deficit will almost equal that of two years ago, which was the highest in 65 years

The US budget deficit will hit $1.48tn (£930bn), or 9.8% of economic output, this year, a spending watchdog said.

It is a record deficit in dollar terms, and almost equals the 10% of GDP overspend recorded by Washington in 2009 at the depth of the recession.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) revised up an earlier deficit estimate of $1.07tn after President Obama agreed a new stimulus package with Congress.

That package extended Bush-era tax cuts and prolonged unemployment benefits.

"The United States faces daunting economic and budgetary challenges," said the CBO in the introduction to its latest budget outlook report.

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