Wednesday, March 19, 2008

U.S. 401k Contributor Sheepsters

Poor U.S. 401k sheepsters... It is a good possibility that U.S. Markets are used as a world online gambling place at where many foreign traders could suck out U.S. 401k money in addition to selling oil to us.

Poor U.S. 401k sheepsters...

It is obvious that U.S. 401k sheepster holders are slowly and surely wiped out clean.

When you study market history, price actions, and other surrounding circumstances, U.S. 401k contributors are slowly wiped out clean while big fat greed demons are sucking blood out.

It is like a slow internal bleeding for U.S. 401k contributors and the rest of average americans as their wealth is sucked out by greed demons.

At least, oil glut is lessened today, off 4.5% to 103.60

Being stupid with oil suv suckers... paying for it.

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