MF forecast on global growth
LT financial market performance, fundamental factors are important. As you can see on the global growth chart, the current growth level is slightly lower than that of 2000 even though financial market level is not. One of the reasons is that we are in global economy. While many stocks are sharply sold off, e.g. C and AMD, some stocks are doing well which is supporting markets.
Based on my analysis on US GDP growth projection by "IMF" shows that US is at a bottom and projected to grow going into the second half of the year. This confirms what Bernanke stated.
Real GDP outlook shows that US GDP will see a sharper rebound to 2006 level going into 2010 while emerging economics will be leveling off.
IMF Reform: Statement by Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr.
Washington, DC –Today ' s meeting takes place against the backdrop of considerable challenges to the global economy. In recent years, global economic conditions have been quite favorable, with growth averaging nearly 5% per year. 2008 will be a more difficult year, with headwinds coming from adjustments in the U.S. economy, financial market stress, higher commodity prices, and higher than desirable inflation. Downside risks will vary, and many European and emerging market economies have stood up relatively well so far to the recent financial turmoil, but no economy is entirely immune from global forces. In this context, it is critical for policy makers to put in place sound policy frameworks that support growth and enhance economic resilience.
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