Thursday, May 22, 2008

Home Prices Post Record Declines In First Quarter - Retail * US * News * Story -

Home Prices Post Record Declines In First Quarter - Retail * US * News * Story - "U.S. home prices posted their sharpest first-quarter decline since the government began tracking the data 17 years ago."

The repeal of the Glass-Steagall act in 1999 was a disaster which was the prelude of the ARM crisis which was designed from the repeal.

Inflation and rate has less correlation because of price manipulation than before.

Mega rich can get both ways, i.e. bang up prices and rate with excuses of the former.

It is a matter of how greed mega rich wants to get with price manipulation moving colluded trillions around the world especially in US market since the financial size is bigger.

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