Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Market Signals 080902

~~ Market Signals ~~ Markets traded to lower supports on daily with higher trading volumes. Volatility is up as alerted rising VIX/VXN. The market actions with higher volumes, higher volatility, and previously noted negative divergences on daily price actions are showing the September volatility. For VST, we will see a continuation of Sept volatility. Qs is leading to downside as it has broken intraday supports. Intraday 60m are getting oversold; however, higher volatility with break of supports will push VIX/Volatility higher. Pivotal supports : DOW 11450, SPX 1273, Nasdaq 2340

~~SPX~~ is trading in down-channel with SPX 1313 +/- R, a LT resistance as noted on post 10257. SPX closed at 1277.58 near at daily support with a break below 60m support. We have better trading volumes and typical Sept volatility suggesting down momentum to resolve neg. divergences on daily price actions.

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