Monday, July 27, 2009

Fed Bernanke snakeman no audit

The Fed does not want "Audit" meaning that he is enslaving America with massive debt while pumping markets.

That is quite irrational and lunatic decisions to any rational people who would manage the nation, but of course the objective is to enslave America. We have invisible slaughter of American Economic future.

Among the dozens of companies reporting earnings are Verizon and Honeywell, reporting Monday, along with Amgen, Corning, Lorillard, and Alberto-Culver. On Tuesday, BP, McGraw-Hill, Valero, Viacom, Dreamworks, Norfolk Southern, Teva, U.S. Steel, Smith International, Interpublic, Celanese and Textron report.

Wednesday's reports include Arcelor Mittal, ConocoPhillips, Daimler, Honda, Nissan, Qwest, Royal Caribbean, Sprint, Time Warner and Aflac.

AstraZenca, ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, Disney, Travelers, Mastercard, Motorola, Siemens, Sony and Telefonica report Thursday, and Chevron and AutoNation report Friday.

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