
Jesus said "I am the good shepherd, I know my sheep and my sheep know me in the same way that the Father knows me and I know my Father; For these sheep I will give my life." John 10:14-15
Blessed are you, Lord Jesus, Savior of the world, for giving your life to save us, by your precious blood we are saved. You promised living waters to those who seek the truth, give us that water to quench our thirst. You sent disciples to announce the Good News to all people, sustain those who proclaim your word. To those who carry your cross today in anguish, grant patience and courage.
Please pray for those who are suffering for various reasons. May our Lord God have Mercy and Grace for all who are lost spiritually or financially.
May God give us the "Leader" who will lead to Justices, Grace, and Peace. God bless you. Love you in Christ

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