Saturday, July 31, 2010

God vs Mammon, NWO

Merkel Dancing on Germany’s
By the authors of the National Journal by J M Damon

Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s huge girth was not the only monstrous aspect of his administration. His close connections with Jewish power centers also demonstrated his monstrous capacity for evil. Kohl wanted to obliterate the Germans through absorption and assimilation in the European Union, and in Brussels he engineered the destruction of German culture through “penance and tribute.” As a matter of fact, the EU commissars used these exact words in conjunction with the excessive German contributions to the EU: "These are costs of the War." (Tr: meaning the costs of losing the War) (Augstein in SPIEGEL magazine, Issue 32, 1997, p. 34)

However, even Rudolf Augstein ultimately complained about the plan to financially bleed Germany dry. "We are surrounded by countries that are using the chimera of Europe to further their national interests. Only Germany, the most populous and economically viable state of the EU, is forced to remain quiet and obedient." (Augstein in SPIEGEL, Issue 32, 1997, p. 34)

Most of Americans and all around the globe are fooled into the Fed Reserve & politicians drama. After I researched and analyzed financial data, historical events, histories around the globe, I came to the conclusion that the Fed Reserve is 666 and has fraudulently misled Americans, and now bankrupting USA after Europe. Don't be fooled into the fraudulent drama or think that you will not be one of victims

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