Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bush = Obama = Congress = Fed Reserve Fraud

USELESS SEC & FBI: Even after bankrupting millions of people and trillions out of US Treasury --- why in the living nightmare, is he still meddling with US Treasury?

SEC & FBI is just pestering & going after small peanuts working for the fraudulent Fed Reserve.

Also why in the living nightmare using "United States Federal Reserve System" when it is PRIVATE!!! FRAUD AND MISREPRESENTATION with intention to deceive Americans. They should change the fraudulent logo!!! Actually, END THE FED! IT'S FRAUD -- and that is the reason most of Americans are fooled!!!

Financial crisis? It was and is big scam, just like the lunatic madoff economic babble is blowing debt bubbles.


Strains From Financial Crisis Were Worse Than Understood

| 01 Dec 2010 | 05:03 PM ET

The Federal Reserve today released a trove of data on the emergency loans it made under a variety of programs during the financial crisis. The Fed’s data includes details on more than 21,000 transactions with financial companies and foreign central banks.

The data shows an unprecedented level of support for the global financial markets coming from the Fed, implying that the level of financial distress was perhaps even greater than previously understood.

The previously confidential data was required to be made public by a provision of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law. Senator Bernie Sanders, the independent from Vermont, pushed for the provision to require greater transparency on the part of the Fed.

During the course of the financial crisis, the Fed launched a host of emergency programs that added $3 trillion of liquidity to the markets. Although many of the programs have been closed, the Fed still holds many of the assets it purchased.

US and Nations are on fire sale.

Fed Bernanke insane greed, Just as Greenspan was, is Madoff bankrupting US.

Greenspan = Bernanke = Madoff psychopath who knows how to defraud mass. How can you explain stealing trillions out of US Treasury using economic theory babbles.

US will go bankrupt just to pay billions/trillions "interest" on the massive debt created by the lunatic Fed Reserve robbery after bankrupting millions of Americans.

Fed Reserve =
Bush = Obama = Con-gress

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