starting to feel the winter chill must mean the christmas holidays is near?, this is probably the best part of the year on the run up to december and christmas day 2011.
why?, because it is not so much cold yet, and only really starts getting really cold in december, it is when we get to next year that the winter months just roll on and on, at the moment a bit of winter chill is a novel feeling after the hot summer we have had.
but in 2 months time it will just be cold a dreary, i do not mind the cold and chill of winter in december, it is when you get round to the new year and it is still cold and you then go 3 or 4 months with freezing cold weather, that then, you cannot wait for the hot summer weather to come back.
not that we have the best summers, but it is better then freezing in winter, i am more of a summer person as are most people, very few people are winter people i think, though that would not be a bad mind state to have when living in these cold countries of the world.
christmas 2011 holidays will be nice, but when we get to the new year it will be the usual 4 months or so wait until the warm weather returns again.

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