Monday, August 25, 2008

SPX 1330 +/- LT resistance

~~ SPX ~~ closed at 1292 after bouncing off from 1261 which noted on post #10350 and also on this blog.

60m is now OB after rallying on light volume. Ideally, trade down into beginning of September which is a cycle low.

SPX 1292 is vst symmetrical triangle down trend upper TL resistance with intraday OB.

SPX is trading in down-channel with 1330 +/- R is a LT resistance as noted on post 10257. SPX will trade to the target going into Nov election; however, markets are trading at “pivotal junctures” with early Sept market turn. Markets were trading up in low volumes, thus, selling into early Sept turn to rally into Nov would be ideal. Good luck

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