Saturday, August 9, 2008

USA Debt

AWAKENING AMERICA ~ Let's pray for USA for spiritual and financial deliverance!!

Our nation is going bankrupted as we have 10 trillions in debt and adding 1.8 billions per day. In addition, we are using many Made in "other-than-USA" which is putting us further in debt.

We are living in debt which will eventually destroy us. During the last 8 years, USA have accumulated more debt than ever before. The war in Iraq created more turmoil with higher oil price.

We need God's Help to deliver USA from its mess which greed evil put US into deep trouble. Also, it is many Americans' mistake to get into such mess.

We have spent too much for too long. Spiritually, USA were degenerating since 1969 when we saw 1969 Woodstock. Also, that was the year when satanic bible was published by "LaVey".

We also have Muslim attacks. They are not just whine, whine, whine; and it is not a game. Killing non-Muslim is the best way to heaven for them. That is in the Muslim and Mohammad command, i.e. in Quran and Mohammad teaching.

Delta Force 3: The Killing Game (a movie depicting the extremists)

We need LORD, OUR GOD'S MERCY AND GRACE!! To deliver US from the financial debt and from spiritual back sliding!!

Let US all ask GOD to deliver US, to save US from satanic power!

PRAISE GOD! ALMIGHTY, deliver US from evil!


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