Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Big scam: energy need manipulation

quick fix disaster: U.S. consumer confidence rises on lower gas prices

Obama economy will be 401k early withdrawal spending economy with higher energy cost.

When I heard that the Fed/Bush was borrowing money from middle east to bail out banks, news yesterday, it is obvious that the situation is bad to worse. Just delaying inevitable destruction of short term quick fix scam.

As I told you, I was a bit more hopeful, but it is just delaying inevitable stupidity quick fix scam destruction. More they manipulate Americans with quick fix scam, it will get worse.

I think that it is better for US to go through deep depression to fix each person habit of overspending without genuine productivity and invention. Even if we go through 20% unemployment. That is a long term turn-around.

As many will seek genuine revolution of thinking - no more quick fix. Japanese went through and made themselves better than before.

If we go through quick-fix program and the same program which led us to destruction, we are on the same old losing path.

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