Monday, November 24, 2008

High Risk, Volatility Market

high volatility rally, high risk with foreign debt bank bailout.

DOW 1000 point rally to 9443 with foreign debt bailout bank - "C". Oil jump 10%

Housing inventory up to 10 months backlog. Markets close at resistances after reversing from Fri low, e.g. Qs 25.

We now gave SPX 120 points 15% up and DOW 1110 15% up in 2 days.

Market actions like this is unstable and dangerous environment which is showing high volatility.

SPX 25 points 3%, DOW 265 points 3% Drop in 10mins going into close.

Market volatility is unbelievably risky and dangerous.

It's fool's chasing after 15% rally in 2 days trading in lighter volume, so, taking profit after big gain is smart move.

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