Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Market hype continues and VIX/CPC

Markets are using "VIX" to bait many as it has been already nearly one month since I alerted the VIX showing positive divergence and forming triangle. We now have entire traders in universe is talking about "VIX" while market makers are using it to bait many.

VIX closed at 38.85 at the lower triangle trendline support with a sign of breaking to downside.

CPC closed at 0.85 after trading to upper resistance near 0.90 where its 10-day moving average is showing support and resistance levels during the past two years as shown on the $CPC daily chart.

Combining the reading of VIX and CPC, markets are showing very low volatility which is usually taken as a sign of favorable market condition. That is not surprising as the Fed and the Gov have intervened during March to calm the global financial crisis. Again, to reiterate, the purpose of crisis is to profit by the world power, hence, the crisis management is a part of the big plan -- profiting trillions by bankrupting a few big banks such as Lehman, FNM, FRE, Bear Stern, etc.

At this point, it is obvious that markets are luring in sideline cash to bubble up again after draining over-supplied cash in the global financial system during 2002-2007 making bubbles in real estate using Yen Carry-trades. After crushing many small funds and investors and globally slashing jobs, so far, global markets are showing signs of initial stages of making another bubble to lure in sideline cash initiating pop-and-drop market manipulation.

Even though markets could break above the SPX 850 resistance, I would not recommend to enter markets at this time as markets can quickly sell off changing the market sentiment as fast as it has changed just in a couple of weeks.

This market turn is not like the bottoms which we have seen during 1970s, 1980s, or 2000s because millions of Americans are wiped out after spending too much during the past decades.

Regrettably, millions are duped by the global grand scheme and now millions are fallen into financial disaster. Especially, millions of Americans spent life-savings over decades supporting the global economic boom; but, many Americans can't spend as we did during the last decades. Therefore, don't be fooled thinking that we are at the bottom levels like in 1970s, 1980s, or 2000s as during the last several decades, Americans had savings and wealthy. Of course, we still have many who made good financial decision securing cash and real estates during the recent melt-down; so, markets are now luring in those who survived. I am being too skeptical, but it is the reality as I don't see genuine economic and wealth growth anytime soon when we are still in the middle of economic downturn and globalism which will further drag American economy and wealth. At least, we know the facts, not deceived as many are now aware of the reality.

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