Tuesday, April 21, 2009

OBAMA Deception Apostasy

The false information led to more spending and bankrupting millions of Americans since 2000 and we are going through the similar situation with the Gov spending escalating more debt and giving false perception of economic growth.


The following is Mauldin's work which I commented during the last few years. He provided the chart above and the commentary, so I am highlighting one of main factors contributing to the financial crisis which we are facing.

"Notice that the recovery for the next four years would have been under 1%. We would have had under 1% GDP for four years running, without mortgage equity withdrawals, without people being able to spend more. That doesn't even count the leverage we increased on our auto loans, on credit cards -- you saw the two charts that Louie [Gave] and Martin [Barnes] used yesterday about the growth of credit, and we are now seeing it in reverse. Do you think George Bush would have stood even a small chance of being reelected without mortgage equity withdrawals?

Quarter 1-2006 we had $223 billion in mortgage equity withdrawals. Quarter 2-2008 it was $9.5 billion. Is it any wonder we were in recession by 2008? By the third and fourth quarters there was no money to keep the treadmill going That $50 trillion in credit was shrinking fast. We were imploding it. Further -- just as a little throwaway slide -- if you look at 2010 and 2011, we are getting ready for another huge wave of mortgage resets.

Now, we've gone through the last wave and we saw what happened; it created a lot of foreclosures. We are not out of the woods yet. It is going to be 2012 before we sell enough houses to really get back to reasonable levels, because we had 3.5 million excess homes at the top. We absorb about a million a year, it takes 3 years, that's kind of the math." frontlinethoughts.com

More comments http://trend-signals.blogspot.com/2009/04/money-cycle.html

Tragedy ~ re Obama’s Christian Appointee to Faith-Based Program Says New Testament Teaching on Homosexuality Is ‘Not True’


Deceiving men/women and God for money and power.

That's a surprise since he sworn in with Bible, but then, he didn't when he sworn in again.


It's tragedy if the oath fiasco was intentional.
Once he blasphemed God, he does it again.
That is the reason that God said, Blaspheme against Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

And anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but to him who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven (Luke 12:10).

May God have his mercy and grace.

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