Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Fed Bernanke-Obama -corruption and deception
After bankrupting millions of Americans and now bankrupting the nation to sell trillions of their stock inventory at higher price. Who are still fooled in the Bernanke-FED scams after scams... FED=SEC=GOLDMAN=SCAMS ~~

Robbery from Treasury and robbery hyping markets to sell stock inventory at higher price. Rottenchild Fed da boyz deception

10.02.22 Fed rottenchild pathological deception ~ bankruptcies and foreclosure hits new high while literally robbing Trillions out of Treasury.
No one should ever forget that Fed Bernanke-Greenspan brought living hell on earth as millions of Americans and our nation is deceived into bankruptcies.
The FED Paulson incorporated corruption: Paulson was a part of the FED as Goldman is a member of the FED using US Treasury to manipulate financial markets and Americans.

Incorporated Corruption USA Robbery ~~ Obama greed deception hype
Paulson-Fed corruption: using financial crisis scam, the FED robbed Trillions, Goldman gets nearly 50 billions, Bloomberg gets multi-billions, examples.
Book: Paulson fearful, felt ill as crisis deepened
Book: Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson felt 'jolt of fear' as bank crisis deepened

If Americans do not take actions, this is what is going to happen. California is another example.

FED Bernanke-Obama = Incorporated Corruption leading to USA Bankruptcy

Bernanke-Obama lies and deception >> reGDP could be the best in nearly four years
Self-sustaining growth hasn't caught fire yet, however
Ron Paul mentions some of detrimental issues which we are facing.

The FED Bernanke - Obama corruption

Only what the grand scam did is robbed Americans and the nation.

The nightmare of US debt
US Budget Deficit Projected to Reach $1.35 Trillion

What we must know about markets
Using global financial system is a primary method.

Who is the Fed?

That’s right, the biggest holder of US government debt is actually inside the United States. The Federal Reserve system of banks and other US intragovernmental holdings account for a stunning $5.127 trillion in US Treasury debt. This is the most recent number available (Sept 2009), and is at an all-time high, rising in every reporting period since 2007. About a decade ago, the total government holdings were "only" $2.5 trillion.

Why so many Americans and Europeans are getting poorer since the last decades?
The Fed also owns the most of major European countries.
♫*** ~~


1. Ireland - 1,267%

External debt (as % of GDP): 1,267%
External debt per capita: $567,805

Gross external debt: $2.386 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $188.4 billion

2. Switzerland - 422.7%

External debt (as % of GDP): 422.7%
External debt per capita: $176,045

Gross external debt: $1.338 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $316.7 billion

3. United Kingdom - 408.3%

External debt (as % of GDP): 408.3%
External debt per capita: $148,702

Gross external debt: $9.087 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $2.226 trillion

4. Netherlands - 365%

External debt (as % of GDP): 365%
External debt per capita: $146,703

Gross external debt: $2.452 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $672 billion

5. Belgium - 320.2%

External debt (as % of GDP): 320.2%
External debt per capita: $119,681

Gross external debt: $1.246 trillion (2009 Q1)
2008 GDP (est): $389 billion

6. Denmark

External debt (as % of GDP): 298.3%
External debt per capita: $110,422

Gross external debt: $607.38 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $203.6 billion

7. Austria - 252.6%

External debt (as % of GDP): 252.6%
External debt per capita: $101,387

Gross external debt: $832.42 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $329.5 billion

8. France - 236%

External debt (as % of GDP): 236%
External debt per capita: $78,387

Gross external debt: $5.021 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $2.128 trillion

9. Portugal - 214.4%

External debt (as % of GDP): 214.4%
External debt per capita: $47,348

Gross external debt: $507 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $236.5 billion

10. Hong Kong - 205.8%

External debt (as % of GDP): 205.8%
External debt per capita: $89,457

Gross external debt: $631.13 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $306.6 billion

11. Norway - 199%

External debt (as % of GDP): 199%
External debt per capita: $117,604

Gross external debt: $548.1 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $275.4 billion

12. Sweden - 194.3%

External debt (as % of GDP): 194.3%
External debt per capita: $73,854

Gross external debt: $669.1 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $344.3 billion

13. Finland - 188.5%

External debt (as % of GDP): 188.5%
External debt per capita: $69,491

Gross external debt: $364.85 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $193.5 billion

14. Germany

External debt (as % of GDP): 178.5%
External debt per capita: $63,263

Gross external debt: $5.208 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $2.918 trillion

15. Spain

External debt (as % of GDP): 171.7%
External debt per capita: $59,457

Gross external debt: $2.409 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $1.403 trillion

16. Greece

External debt (as % of GDP): 161.1%
External debt per capita: $51,483

Gross external debt: $552.8 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $343 billion

17. Italy

External debt (as % of GDP): 126.7%
External debt per capita: $39,741

Gross external debt: $2.310 trillion (2009 Q1)
2008 GDP (est): $ 1.823 trillion

18. Australia

External debt (as % of GDP): 111.3%
External debt per capita: $41,916

Gross external debt: $891.26 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $800.2 billion

19. Hungary

External debt (as % of GDP): 105.7%
External debt per capita: $20,990

Gross external debt: $207.92 billion (2009 Q1)
2008 GDP (est): $196.6 billion

The following video comments on a few issues relating to the recent financial corruption.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy


After knowing the real history of the United States, my country, interpretation of entire history would be different. We are now seeing entire country is getting bankrupted.

For example:

Understanding this statement is now transparent.

The dates of significant events all tie to the greedy rottenchild manipulation as our God Almighty knows all the details. Ultimately HE will judge us even though many are fooled into rotten scams.

“ Go ahead, take everything I own; take my dignity. Feel good as you grow fat and rich at my expense; sucking my tax dollars and property. ”

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