Monday, February 22, 2010

Financial corruption as Foreclosures in U.S. Set Record

ruthless lies and deception by FED rottenchild-Obama using media <~ trillions robbery right out of Treasury. Nothing is new, the same deception and hype as James Madison said, the rottenchild Fed will do anything for money.
The US corruption continues: Greedy Bernanke-Obama rottenchild da boyz corruption, war profiteering based on delusion and economic theory manipulation pumping markets so that Trillions of Bernanke portfolio can be sold at higher price dumping on 401k sheepsters.
FED EASY way of money fleecing via financial markets, and who would not want to kiss the FED rottenchild. Would it be correct to say that if you are speaking against the corruption, you are at least stepping into right path? We must love Bernanke, Obama, da boyz, but must hate the rotten corruption -- so far, Ron Paul is a few who are walking in lighted path. We now have millions of people who should be hoping for Heaven only after Jesus returns as they have no hope in this earth while rotten pigs are enjoying their earthly heaven. You know what Jesus said about those who are enjoying earthly heaven, aka riches, and you know what you need to do when you believe in God.

Technically, markets closed near at pivots and we are still seeing FED Bernanke is hyping markets. Based on that, we can only speculate that he still has trillions to distribute while hyping markets.

$COMPX 2243.87 2.16 0.10% 2,114,353
$INDU 10402.40 9.50 0.09% 1,187,800
$INX 1109.17 2.42 0.22%

Foreclosures in U.S. Set Record as Unemployment Thwarts Housing Recovery

Millions of Unemployed Face Years Without Jobs
Broken government

Chart galore

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