Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Fed Illuminati & Christianity

"Love, Light, Father's Love"

If many are falling into the false religion, aka New Age Religion or NWO faith, it will not work -- thus says the Lord our God.

Christianity revival.

ISRAEL WILL FAIL IF THEY TRUST MONEY AND NEW RELIGION -- just as the FED illuminati is doing now.

If the Illuminati continues to work on "New Age Religion", then Israel will fail, Christianity will fail as Christians continue to backslide as that is NOT the FATHER'S WILL. We must do the Will of Father in order to enter into the Kingdom of God as Jesus said.

We must pray and know what is going on instead of blaming Obama since it is obvious that Obama is placed there by the FED money. The FED illuminati corrupted Christians for money and power, and as long as that continues, Christians continue to backslide and will fail just same as many Christians have. And all will continue to be enslaved by the money lure, aka mammon.

We need to get back to the spiritual revival in order to defend ourselves spiritually -- unless the FED illuminati helps with the revival of Christianity instead of brainwashing all with materialism, The LOVE & PEACE theory which they are working on will not work because our GOD is real -- not man-made religion.

If many are falling into the false religion, aka New Age Religion or NWO faith, it will not work -- thus says the Lord our God. Numbers 20

God bless

THE REAL VALUE -- as a Christian -- IS DOING THE WILL OF GOD. In fact, that's only what it counts.

Take care, God bless you, Hugs, Sharon

MISERY of deception ~> Secretive Bilderberg Club ready for protests Splash! Could that be the sound of Lord Mandelson hitting one of the Dolce hotel’s four pools? Or Robert Zoellick of the World Bank? Paul Volcker of the US Economic Recovery Advisory Board? Or merely the euro taking another dive? That is the thing about the Bilderberg group’s top secret meetings: you never know quite what is going on behind the police checkpoints. Across the world, secretaries to the rich and the powerful have blocked out the next three days in their bosses’ calendars for their annual gathering, this time at the Dolce in Sitges, one of Spain’s most exclusive resorts.

Former Vice President Al Gore and wife Tipper to separate
after 40 years of marriage, family friend tells CNN.

CAPITALISM = Genesis 3 = Financial market + politicians/Washington =

Financial network commentaries are brainwashed to publish only irrational commentaries for our nation and Americans, as well as many around the globe relative their own countries. As nations around the globe are living in borrowed money against their Treasuries defrauded by the few hands.

A reply to a post: The Obama conference went well even though, frankly speaking, I don't follow poli closely, however. IT'S FREAKING FED BERNANKE/GREENSPAN deceived Americans and all, and politicians are just puppets -- you know that. The problem which America had in the past is there was no one, or very few, speaking truth. Most of Americans who knew were lying also by being silent.

It seems that I am beginning to see his points of view better than before as I experience the reality of no one wants to fix the old problems, but it seems that he is trying to even though he is, I think, a political puppet.

This market should crash!! You know that Obama does not control financial markets and economy in reality. Well, I would better know in hindsight about what he is really doing, though. You know that America is run by scammers for most of Americans. If you are not deceived, you are lucky, so far.

As you know Americans and many around the globe are in deep trouble as the Gov and the FED is continuing to use national debt to sustain economy and to pump markets. What astonish me is that not many cares or show any empathy even though I am calling for supplication in prayers. I believe What Obama would be, or should be, doing is to raise taxes, to crash financial markets to raise revenue as well as reflect rational and realistic market levels. Finally, we must see tough financial regulations to prevent further fraud and manipulation but so far what we have seen is song and dance drama which is just another misleading, falsifying American trust.

Financial markets, aka capitalism, are in full of deception, collusion, and unethical practices. THERE IS NO HOPE in this corruption and fraudulent American capitalism structure.

Have we not seen enough Fed-Washington corruption. Literally robbing Treasury pumping markets.
~ Chronicles 7:14 America cry out to God. We pray God torestore America from living in Sodom and Gomorrah.
2 Chronicles 7:24

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