Monday, June 28, 2010

The Fed Reserve vs Sheeples

GO OBAMA ~~ Sell away, Sell away ~ H&S

Americans did after all made a right choice to choose
Obama to do something right, hope that he does!


NO HOPE ~~ de ja vu James Madison's word? ~~


Byrd's Death Adds 'New Dynamic' for Financial Reform: Bair

Our economy is driven by debt bubble waiting for Americans to spend. The old economic cyclical pattern is not working as usual because Americans are now aware of the WS schemes. In that regard, the long term K-cycle is indeed working out fine economically, however, financial markets are pumped up unreasonably using media propaganda while literally robbing Treasury. What is solution for Americans? Deal with the mess as soon as possible. Higher tax and lower financial markets until everyone cries out, then, all will deal with reality. With hedge fund tax and other tax, it would help as well as other spending cuts - especially the war cost -- and deal with wars using cost-less strategies.

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