Thursday, November 17, 2011

Millionaires ask Congress to raise their taxes
WASHINGTON (CNNMoney) -- A group of two dozen millionaires stormed Capitol Hill on Wednesday, demanding lawmakers raise their taxes.
"We want to pay more taxes," said California millionaire Doug Edwards, a former marketing director for Google (GOOG, Fortune 500). "If you're fortunate, and you make more than a million dollars a year, you ought to pay more taxes."
The millionaires want Congress to allow the tax cuts passed during the George W. Bush administration to expire. Some want higher taxes generally.

New York (CNN) -- Cities facing angry protests from the Occupy movement braced Thursday for what could be the largest demonstrations yet.
From New York to Los Angeles, organizers were calling for a "mass day of action" to mark two months since the movement began.
In New York, where the movement began as Occupy Wall Street, the planned events included "shut down Wall Street;" "occupy the subways," a plan to gather at 16 hubs, and "take the square," a reference to Foley Square, across from City Hall.
"Enough of this economy that exploits and divides us. It's time we put an end to Wall Street's reign of terror and begin building an economy that works for all," the organizing website said, adding, "before the Stock Exchange, we will exchange stories rather than stocks."
Organizers also plan a march across the Brooklyn Bridge.
A heavy police presence was in place Thursday morning as protesters gathered for the early morning demonstration against Wall Street.

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