Friday, February 29, 2008

ARM crisis: a big regulatory failure

ARM crisis: It's a big regulatory - policies and procedures - failure.

Then, being greedy, not taking the responsibility of "regulatory and policy failure" by the industry in the first place. The "relief plan" is just a small help mitigating the regulatory/policy failure.

Paulson does not show integrity in his words as he was preaching strong USD since he was appointed after John Snow.

Strong Dollar in U.S. Interest

Paulson also touched on currency matters in response to questions from the audience at the Economic Club of Chicago. He said he believed a strong dollar was in the best interest of the United States.

In early Tokyo trading on Friday, the dollar fell below the psychologically important level of 105.00 yen and slid to 104.60 yen, its lowest since May 2005.

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