re Bernanke, not sure why we call him, "Helicopter Ben", as he is a type of an "Analyzer" becoming the "Paralyzer".
As we can see, Bernanke is paralyzed by bears.... can you hear he is starting to shake.
Furthermore, he looks to be a greenspan go-fer, sandwiched between the TS Paulson bear and greenspan bear -- at the moment as piggy bears.
Marc Faber in euro is envying Bernanke as Faber is no body while Bernanke is the Fed Chair. The two are academically smart. Sick of hearing his gloomdoom... just sick of hearing his whining at Bernanke as if Bernanke is the blame. He should have whined at his friend greenspan when he was creating all the problems. As long as I know Marc, he is just a big whiner. Whine, whine, whine.
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