Monday, June 9, 2008

PPT bubble/burst business, e.g. BKX

Markets bounced off of Qs 47.95, SPX 1350, DOW 12195, Nasdaq 2430 at TL and MA supports.

Qs 47.95 triple S is holding, so far.., at June 09, 2008 2:24:19 PM, PPT rush in and bubbles up markets again.

~~ Market hammer formations ~~ after bouncing off from the noted supports, markets finished reversal formations. after bouncing off from the noted supports, markets finished reversal formations. Hammer formations manipulating another potential bubble/crash. It is irrational markets trading at this level with oil over 130 +. Oil traded to 140 and will remain volatile.

US debt ticking bomb ~ The bubble/burst business made themselves billions/trillions while Americans/USA are going bankrupt.

Imagine, those who knew making huge money, making trillions killing banks after bubbling up ~~ sudden trillion jack pot.

~~~ $BKX ~~~ trading at 68.71 ~

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