4 years ago...I supported Bush and now regret that I did as we can see that Bush ruined our country.
In hindsight, it seems that Bush is blinded by greed and power. He is deceived by satan and became satanic deceiving many.
Most were calling a crash during Jul-Aug 2004 when I called the bottom. But now I think of it, if markets have crashed, it would have been better for us.
If market indeed has crashed at that time, we would not have ARM bubble/crash ruining many Americans.
Also crazy commodity bubble which started in Jan 2005 with oil, and another bubble in 2006/2007 would not be as severe.
If we had the crash at that time and Kerry became the President, we could be in better position.
But I believe that all things are under God's control.
4 years ago..... and now
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