Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It's time to deal with an anti-American press!

: When did Obama become "President-elect?"

Posted November 17th, 2008 by myhat2u

This might seem like nitpicking to some, but why does the U.S. news media refer to Barack Obama as "President-elect?" According to the Constitution, the presidential election happens December 15th, when state electors cast their votes for president. Shouldn't he be referred to as "presumptive president-elect?"

Should some scandal erupt between now and December 15th, such as Obama being involved somehow in a crime, the electors could choose John McCain or some other candidate for president. So the presidential election has not been decided yet.

I understand that in the normal course of events the presidential race is decided on election day, but I feel the news media is doing a disservice to the public by referring to Obama as President-elect. Katie Couric had the nerve to correct someone who referred to Obama as "President," but she did so by saying he is "President-elect." She's the one who needed correcting, from my point of view!

To me, it shows a disregard for the Constitution of the United States to refer to a presidential candidate as president-elect when in fact no presidential election has yet been held.

Holder to be named attorney general

President-elect Obama has offered Eric Holder the position of attorney general, and Holder has accepted it, according to sources involved in the process. The formal announcement has been held up while Obama transition team members ran the idea past key senators. And Obama wanted to announce members of his financial team first -- Treasury Secretary and so on.

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