As those who read my posts, speaking against the money power is certainly not a good thing in the eyes of the deceivers and the money power, but I believe in doing the Will of GOD.
Have you read "Revelation 21-22"?
This is the first time that I mention Revelation 21 since I started in July 2004, but in this END TIME, mentioning Revelation 21 is appropriate because GOD is the Ultimate Father who created the universe, so I wouldn't fall into the masters of this world to speak lies.
Of course, doing the technical analysis is less to do with speaking lies, but that is also used by the deceptive manipulation as I was since July 2004.
Thank GOD that He loves me. Praise GOD ~
Jesus vs Mammon ~ Matthew 6:24
The rich fool ~ Luke 12:13-21
For the rich fool - have you read Revelation 21-22 and Matthew 24.
When we truly repent of our sins and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, we can be saved and be born again.
Then, the Spirit of GOD will lead and guide us each day, as we ask GOD to direct our path to do His Will.
Our lives on this earth is like a dew under sun but the Eternity is forever.
We are living in the End time, and when ALL heard of the Gospel, we will see the Coming of our LORD, Jesus Christ. How much have you spend your time for the Kingdom of GOD - spreading the Gospel as commended by the Jesus Christ in Matthew 28. We are living in the End time, so let us do the Work for the Kingdom of GOD which is only counting toward the Kingdom GOD everlasting.
Praise GOD, may the LORD COME!
Revelation 21-22 and Matthew 24
We can be saved by Accepting Jesus as the Lord and Savior, as Jesus said, "I am the Way and the Life, No one comes to the Father except through me" as in John 14:6
We can not enter into the Kingdom of GOD by doing good works because we will never be justified through our works because human beings are fallen through the Adam and Eve, but only through Jesus Christ, we can be saved through the Grace of GOD shown through Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. Jesus also said, NOT ALL who says "Lord, Lord" will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven will enter. Matthew 7:21
So we need to seek and to do the Will of God in our lives as you face each day with choices which you need to make how you are going to spend your life as the choices are given whether you spend your life for the Kingdom of God or for the earthly things and sagas.
In order to be saved, you need to truly repent and accept the LORD as the Savior, and ask God to lead you, Christians, to live according to His Will, not your will.
True conversion which is noted as "Born-again" happens when you truly believe in GOD and repent. Then accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior. Then, learn, pray, and ask GOD to lead you each day to understand the Will of God each day.
Praise GOD ~
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