Sunday, August 16, 2009

~*~ MARCH to Washington ~*~ REVOLUTION


*** Debt Free America
*** Healthcare issues
*** Job creation
*** what else?

13 Million Americans Exhaust Unemployment by 12/09






In order to determine whether it is true or not, we need to determine facts.

History is facts of past events - what already transpired.

We need to analyze what has happened -- what the history tells us and the condition of present time.

In order to properly understand the history:

1. we need to understand what the history book tells us,
2. we need to determine whether the sequence of historical events make sense and logical,
3. we need to determine motivations behind historical events, and
4. we need to determine a flow of power and money transition as a part of the historical events as almost all historical events are motivated by power and money as it goes back to the very beginning - Genesis 3.

Considering all surrounding circumstances:

Is this true, partly true, or false?

1) If this is a false statement, we do not need to worry about.
However, we know that Americans are getting slaughtered, so, we need to correctly determine reasons for it.
After doing so, we can determine solutions for the problems.

2) If this statement is partly true, what are true and false parts of the statements?
There is a high probability that any speculative opinion is not 100% true, and it is hard to present evidences to prove whether any statement is true or false. Therefore, we only need to present discerned opinions without heated arguments since there are probably right and wrong parts of any statements. Stating your opinions will likely open up more understanding to real facts or to close to real facts.

We do problems, so, we are trying to address the problems. Then, find solutions to problems.

SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS -- we need to keep that in mind - ALWAYS.

By Brother Nathanael Kapner

OBAMA’S MAIN ‘PUPPETEER’ IS - GEORGE SOROS. With his financial ability in the billions of dollars to back whatever cause he chooses and his powerful control of the media, Soros has the means to engineer the political and economic destinies of entire nations. Indeed, Soros has already implemented his global agenda in both Georgia and Kosovo.

The latest “cause” backed by Soros is the Obama presidency. Known as Obama’s “money man”, Soros’s involvement with Obama’s national political career began in 2005 with Soros fundraising for Obama’s campaign for US Senate and continued through the 2007 Presidential campaign launch with huge fundraising operations managed by Soros.

Soros, a proponent of the “hard left,” has also been funneling money into the Democratic Party and to its candidates with the intent on building a slate of Senators and Representatives with socialist leanings. “George Soros has purchased the Democratic Party,” said Republican National Committee spokeswoman, Christine Iverson, “and he who pays the piper calls the tune.”


13 Million Americans Exhaust Unemployment by 12/09

A lot of the bull-tards in the media have been going wild that unemployment claims are falling. It strikes me as surprising that this would be true given the fact that virtually every company that posted the alleged “awesome” earnings in 2Q09 did so by laying off thousands of employees: ~~~> actually the earning reports were based on manipulating accounting methods as well.

Understanding this chart does not require a doctorate degree. Since 2000 after the Greenspan financial manipulation, Americans were slaughtered and still secretly and subtly being slaughtered with false hope propaganda just it was during the 1990-2007. Now, the greed has taken Americans to the next level of indebting the country by trillions. May GOD open the eyes of AMERICANS to understand what is happening -- getting robbed in bright daylight.

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