Monday, March 29, 2010

Financial market corruption continues to rob nations

Market manipulation to upside (squeezing hell out of shortside) then downside (squeezing hell out of longside).

AMERICAN FINANCIAL NIGHTMARES to upside and to downside.

Slaughtering to upside and to downside using financial market manipulation.

American Christians are now brainwashed and bankrupted under the massive manipulation.

The Fed - Gov lied to me and to Americans, and continued to rob and to deceive. This is another form similar to Hitler Financial massacre to upside and to downside -- living hell nightmares.

The injustices and corruption robbing nations around the world continues. We are seeing wealth disparity more than ever before as markets are continuing to be manipulated while robbing Treasuries around the world.

There is nothing surprising about any suicide bombing as many around the world are stunned, outraged, and angered by the grand scams which we are seeing.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tea Party
~~*~~ 912 Unite ~~*~~
Get involved and educated.
Find a 9/12 Event Near You!

How Big Was the Crowd At The 9/12 DC Protest? Time Lapse Video Shows Magnitude of the Rally

Reinforcements Join DC Tea Party March ~~ WE, THE PEOPLE ~~

1. Ireland - 1,267%

External debt (as % of GDP): 1,267%
External debt per capita: $567,805

Gross external debt: $2.386 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $188.4 billion

2. Switzerland - 422.7%

External debt (as % of GDP): 422.7%
External debt per capita: $176,045

Gross external debt: $1.338 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $316.7 billion

3. United Kingdom - 408.3%

External debt (as % of GDP): 408.3%
External debt per capita: $148,702

Gross external debt: $9.087 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $2.226 trillion

4. Netherlands - 365%

External debt (as % of GDP): 365%
External debt per capita: $146,703

Gross external debt: $2.452 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $672 billion

5. Belgium - 320.2%

External debt (as % of GDP): 320.2%
External debt per capita: $119,681

Gross external debt: $1.246 trillion (2009 Q1)
2008 GDP (est): $389 billion

6. Denmark

External debt (as % of GDP): 298.3%
External debt per capita: $110,422

Gross external debt: $607.38 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $203.6 billion

7. Austria - 252.6%

External debt (as % of GDP): 252.6%
External debt per capita: $101,387

Gross external debt: $832.42 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $329.5 billion

8. France - 236%

External debt (as % of GDP): 236%
External debt per capita: $78,387

Gross external debt: $5.021 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $2.128 trillion

9. Portugal - 214.4%

External debt (as % of GDP): 214.4%
External debt per capita: $47,348

Gross external debt: $507 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $236.5 billion

10. Hong Kong - 205.8%

External debt (as % of GDP): 205.8%
External debt per capita: $89,457

Gross external debt: $631.13 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $306.6 billion

11. Norway - 199%

External debt (as % of GDP): 199%
External debt per capita: $117,604

Gross external debt: $548.1 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $275.4 billion

12. Sweden - 194.3%

External debt (as % of GDP): 194.3%
External debt per capita: $73,854

Gross external debt: $669.1 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $344.3 billion

13. Finland - 188.5%

External debt (as % of GDP): 188.5%
External debt per capita: $69,491

Gross external debt: $364.85 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $193.5 billion

14. Germany

External debt (as % of GDP): 178.5%
External debt per capita: $63,263

Gross external debt: $5.208 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $2.918 trillion

15. Spain

External debt (as % of GDP): 171.7%
External debt per capita: $59,457

Gross external debt: $2.409 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $1.403 trillion

16. Greece

External debt (as % of GDP): 161.1%
External debt per capita: $51,483

Gross external debt: $552.8 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $343 billion

17. Italy

External debt (as % of GDP): 126.7%
External debt per capita: $39,741

Gross external debt: $2.310 trillion (2009 Q1)
2008 GDP (est): $ 1.823 trillion

18. Australia

External debt (as % of GDP): 111.3%
External debt per capita: $41,916

Gross external debt: $891.26 billion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $800.2 billion

19. Hungary

External debt (as % of GDP): 105.7%
External debt per capita: $20,990

Gross external debt: $207.92 billion (2009 Q1)
2008 GDP (est): $196.6 billion

20. United States

External debt (as % of GDP): 94.3%
External debt per capita: $43,793

Gross external debt: $13.454 trillion (2009 Q2)
2008 GDP (est): $14.26 trillion

Palm Sunday

Have a blessed Palm Sunday, Friend in Christ, Sharon

The message of Easter is
our Salvation through
Jesus Christ

who died for our sins. May you believe in Him and
be saved.

When you accept Him as your Savior,
Holy Spirit will

reside in you
as long as you abide in Him. Are you a truly chosen
living the Will of God?


Friday, March 26, 2010

Financial market manipulation - Insane Greed Social Problem

Haven't we seen enough for those who follow markets that those who took money out of others in millions, billion, or trillions do not stop like those who are addicted to hunting or who are criminals. That is one of reasons that God said not to become greedy. Hyping commodity price is one example since it is needed by all targeted to price manipulation. Commodity price hype Roger is an example who is living off of fooling others using price manipulation. The main problem for the world is that we have those who prey upon others using financial market hype which is inflicting massive trouble for others.

Insane Obama money puppet is showing up on media every time when market wants to hype prices. Real motive would be to hype markets instead of really helping those who are inflicted through corruption and fraudulent financial markets.

WHO ARE GOING TO BUY TRILLIONS OF STOCK INVENTORY at this level while the mega market manipulators such as Fed Bernanke, Paulson, BlackRock Doll, Rogers, etc unloading multi-trillions of stocks to unload! Of course, the insane greed can push price with programming tradings.... Who, what, how in the world ever see normal life in this insanely greedy and fraudulent world. Matt 24.

  • Fed Bernanke-Obama CORRUPTION ~~>> Housing Aid to Focus on Jobless, Underwater Loans

    IN THE END, THE FACTS REMAIN THAT THE GREEDY NUT CRIMINAL BANKRUPTED OUR NATION AND MILLIONS OF AMERICANS! How many times defraud the market pump scam using debt bubble -- it is another fraud market scam in reality.

    1. using housing bubble/crash scam Americans.
    2. using market pump scam Americans.
    3. using bailout scam + market pump scam Americans.
    4. using recycled Tarp scam Americans.
    5. stock price manipulation bankrupting many....

Those who have rational mind would see that price hype only leads to disasters.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Millions of Americans are living in Poverty!

Today, BERNAKE IS AGAIN robbing me and Americans again. Criminal and robbery ~~ Greenspan Says US House Prices Still Fragile

What Greenspan-Bernanke did is just robbing TRILLIONS from Americans and from the United States!!

Why in the living hell is he still aggravating hell out of all who are fooled by the scam? AMERICA IS NOW A HOME OF FINANCIAL CRIMINALS AND CORRUPTION.
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said on Wednesday U.S. house prices appeared to have bottomed out but were still fragile and that the country would not be out of crisis until prices stabilized.
The legally criminals are absolutely
slaughtering all in reality.

Madoff Greenspan-Bernanke-Obama = AMERICAN NIGHTMARE

We need to remember that Millions of Americans are living in POVERTY!

How did the FED and da boyz literally stolen TRILLIONS out of US Treasury -- and bankrupting millions of Americans and our nation.... using Financial market bubble/crashes and brainwashing media own by the massive, corrupt greed.

FED Bernanke, Obama, Doll, da boyz, etc... Pathological lies and deception as we have seen market hype by robbing US Treasury.

* Existing Home Sales Fall For Third Straight Month
No Signs of Double-Dip—So Invest Here: BlackRock's Doll
* The Dow rose on Tuesday, continuing a winning streak in the last nine out of 10 trading days. How should investors be positioned and where are the best sectors to invest? Bob Doll, vice chairman and chief equity strategist at BlackRock, shared his insights.

The FED & Gov ~ the most effective and convenient way to rob trillions & using Treasury and using financial markets as proven by nations around the globe are going bankrupted. ; We need to remember the economic and financial crisis is manipulated by the FED-Gov to rob using financial markets to upside and to downside. It is very easy to manipulated markets to upside and to downside with eventual outcome is to rob all.



Getting slaughtered!

Bernanke-Obama is a living hell -- bankrupting our country after millions of Americans who are now living in poverty -- using financial market corruption, hype, and manipulation.

Millions of Americans are living in poverty, while Bernanke-Obama is further bankrupting USA using financial market corruption.

Millions of Americans are living in poverty, and 99% of global wealth is own by less than 1%.

Bernanke-Obama is a living hell.

This is a global disaster. Fight Greed & Corruption ~ Ephesians 6:11

AS PROVEN, WHILE FED BERNANKE IS ROBBING THE NATION, using market manipulation -- nothing changed except getting further slaughtered.

The FED Bernanke & his corrupt boyz are bankrupting us!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Repeal Health care bill - 14 States repeal suit

Fed Bernanke + Obama is living hell.

Now we fight!!!

Over the last few days, you have heard very little from Tea Party Nation on the Socialist Health Care vote. This was by design. We had little more to offer than other patriot groups and I do not know about you, but my email box was getting filled up with urgent messages. No one needed one more.

Now things are different. TPN has a plan and we are going to fight back!

Tea Party Nation wants you to take the battle to your home state. The following states have recall provisions that allow recall of their congressmen. They are: OR, WI, NJ, CA, CO, MI, NV, ND, LA and KS. Several other states have limited recall. Most states do not have this law.

Millions of Americans are living in poverty, and 99% of global wealth is own by less than 1%. This is a global disaster. Fight Greed & Corruption
Ephesians 6:11

God bless

THE LIGHT IS HOLY SPIRIT which is enlightening you to see the God's goodness and glory -- and to see the satanic force by exercising "Spiritual Discernment". The Light of GOD is a spiritual power enabling you to see the Will of GOD. Based on the power of Holy Spirit leading, the following is the Will of God to fight the spiritual darkness as in Ephesians 6:11. There is a high probability that the Chile disaster and other is done by the Illuminati greed, aka Satan as in Genesis 3 and Matthew 4.

IF the Love of God is in you, you must fight the satanic power as there is NO commend from GOD to love satanic force. Do not be fooled by angels of satanic force which is corrupting the world. Be enlightened and awakened by the Light of God to see His Glory -- and resist the Satanic power overtaking this world.

13 States File Suit To Declare Health Care Reform Unconstitutional
3/23/2010 3:46 PM ET

(RTTNews) - Minutes after President Barack Obama signed a monumental reform of the nation's health insurance system into law, Attorneys General from 13 states filed a lawsuit seeking to have it overturned.

Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum was joined by the Attorneys General from South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Utah, Louisiana, Alabama, Colorado, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Washington, Idaho, and South Dakota in filing the suit, which seeks to have the health reform bill overturned.

All of the Attorneys General who signed onto the suit, with the exception of Louisiana Attorney General James "Buddy" Caldwell, are Republicans.

The suit claims that the newly signed reform bill is unconstitutional for requiring individuals to purchase health insurance.

"This bipartisan effort by Attorneys General around the country should put the Federal Government on notice that we will not tolerate the constitutional rights of our citizens and the sovereignty of our states to be trampled on," McCollum said.

He added, "This law represents an unprecedented encroachment on the liberty of the American people, and I will pursue this litigation to the highest court if necessary."

The lawsuit also claims that the bill infringes on the sovereignty of the states by requiring them to expand eligibility for Medicaid without providing sufficient funds to cover the costs at a time when many states are already facing severe budget shortfalls.

This chart speaks loud ~ we need to remember that Millions of Americans are living in POVERTY!

How did the FED and da boyz literally stolen TRILLIONS out of US Treasury -- and bankrupting millions of Americans and our nation.... using Financial market bubble/crashes and brainwashing media own by the massive, corrupt greed.

If you want to help our fight to "Repeal the Bill" and defeat this government-run healthcare fiasco, please sign the petition right now: PETITION: Repeal The Bill.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

To Members of Congress & Conservative Candidates for Office:

Congress is now pushing through an awful government-run healthcare plan that "We The People" oppose, pushes this nation further in its slide towards socialism, and that runs against the Constitutional limitations placed on the role of the federal government.

We are calling for a repeal of this legislation. Those who work to repeal it will enjoy our support in the tea party movement. Those who have either supported this legislation, or who do not work to repeal it, will hear from "We The People" in the upcoming November 2010 congressional elections. You've been put on notice, and you should not underestimate our power at the polls.


"We The People"


Now please, help us get this petition all across America. Please, forward this to your friends and email lists, post this to your blog or website. Help get the word out - use the "Forward To Friend" function below:



Main Reason for Desperate Health care bill

It explains the "jobless" recoveries of the past and how each recent economic cycle produces higher money figures, yet lower employment. It explains why we are seeing debt driven events that circle the globe. It explains the psychological uneasiness that underpins this point in history, the elephant in the room that nobody sees or can describe.

This is a very simple chart. It takes the change in GDP and divides it by the change in Debt. What it shows is how much productivity is gained by infusing $1 of debt into our debt backed money system.

Back in the early 1960s a dollar of new debt added almost a dollar to the nation’s output of goods and services. As more debt enters the system the productivity gained by new debt diminishes. This produced a path that was following a diminishing line targeting ZERO in the year 2015. This meant that we could expect that each new dollar of debt added in the year 2015 would add NOTHING to our productivity.

Then a funny thing happened along the way. Macroeconomic DEBT SATURATION occurred causing a phase transition with our debt relationship. This is because total income can no longer support total debt. In the third quarter of 2009 each dollar of debt added produced NEGATIVE 15 cents of productivity, and at the end of 2009, each dollar of new debt now SUBTRACTS 45 cents from GDP!

This is mathematical PROOF that debt saturation has occurred. Continuing to add debt into a saturated system, where all money is debt, leads only to future defaults and to higher unemployment.

This is the dilemma created by our top down debt backed money structure. Because all money is backed by a liability, and carries interest, it guarantees mathematically that there will be losers and that the system will eventually reach the natural limits, the ability of incomes to service debt.

March 21, 2010
10:48 p.m.
The House passes
the Senate health care bill, 219-212.

  • This is a summary.

    Page 22 of the HC Bill: Mandates that the Govt will audit books of all employers that self-insure!!

    Page 30 Sec 123 of HC bill: THERE WILL BE A GOVT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get.

    Page 29 lines 4-16 in the HC bill: YOUR HEALTH CARE IS RATIONED!!!

    Page 42 of HC Bill: The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your HC benefits for you. You have no choice!

    Page 50 Section 152 in HC bill: HC will be provided to ALL non-US citizens, illegal or otherwise.

    Page 58 HC Bill: Govt will have real-time access to individuals' finances & a 'National ID Health card' will be issued! (Papers please!)

    Page 59 HC Bill lines 21-24: Govt will have direct access to your bank accounts for elective funds transfer. (Time for more cash and carry)

    Page 65 Sec 164: Is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in unions & community organizations: (ACORN).

    Page 84 Sec 203 HC bill: Govt mandates ALL benefit packages for private HC plans in the 'Exchange.'

    Page 85 Line 7 HC Bill: Specifications of Benefit Levels for Plans -- The Govt will ration your health care!

    Page 91 Lines 4-7 HC Bill: Govt mandates linguistic appropriate services. (Translation: illegal aliens.)

    Page 95 HC Bill Lines 8-18: The Govt will use groups (i.e. ACORN & Americorps to sign up individuals for Govt HC plan.

    Page 85 Line 7 HC Bill: Specifications of Benefit Levels for Plans. (AARP members - your health care WILL be rationed!)
    Page 102 Lines 12-18 HC Bill: Medicaid eligible individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. (No choice.)

    Page 12 4 lines 24-25 HC: No company can sue GOVT on price fixing. No "judicial review" against Govt monopoly.

    Page 127 Lines 1-16 HC Bill: Doctors/ American Medical Association - The Govt will tell YOU what salary you can make.

    Page 145 Line 15-17: An Employer MUST auto-enroll employees into public option plan. (NO choice!)

    Page 126 Lines 22-25: Employers MUST pay for HC for part-time employees ANDtheir families. (Employees shouldn't get excited about this as employers will be forced to reduce its work force, benefits, and wages/salaries to cover such a huge expense.)

    Page 149 Lines 16-24: ANY Employer with payroll 401k & above who does not provide public option will pay 8% tax on all payroll! (See the last comment in parenthesis.)
    Page 150 Lines 9-13: A business with payroll between $251K & $401K who doesn't provide public option will pay 2-6% tax on all payroll.

    Page 167 Lines 18-23: ANY individual who doesn't have acceptable HC according to Govt will be taxed 2.5% of income.

    Page 170 Lines 1-3 HC Bill: Any NONRESIDENT Alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pay.) (Like always)

    Page 195 HC Bill: Officers & employees of the GOVT HC Admin.. will have access to ALL Americans' finances and personal records. (I guess so they can 'deduct' their fees)

    Page 203 Line 14-15 HC: "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax." (Yes, it really says that!) ( a 'fee' instead)
    Page 239 Line 14-24 HC Bill: Govt will reduce physician services for Medicaid Seniors. (Low-income and the poor are affected.)

    Page 241 Line 6-8 HC Bill: Doctors: It doesn't matter what specialty you have trained yourself in -- you will all be paid the same! (Just TRY to tell me that's not Socialism!)

    Page 253 Line 10-18: The Govt sets the value of a doctor's time, profession, judgment, etc. (Literally-- the value of humans.)

    Page 265 Sec 1131: The Govt mandates and controls productivity for "private" HC industries.

    Page 268 Sec 1141: The federal Govt regulates the rental and purchase of power driven wheelchairs.

    Page 272 SEC. 1145: TREATMENT OF CERTAIN CANCER HOSPITALS - Cancer patients - welcome to rationing!

    Page 280 Sec 1151: The Govt will penalize hospitals for whatever the Govt deems preventable (

    Page 298 Lines 9-11: Doctors: If you treat a patient during initial admission that results in a re-admission -- the Govt willpenalize you.

    Page 317 L 13-20: PROHIBITION on ownership/investment. (The Govt tells doctors what and how much they can own!)

    Page 317-318 lines 21-25, 1-3: PROHIBITION on expansion. (The Govt is mandating that hospitals cannot expand.)
    Page 321 2-13: Hospitals have the opportunity to apply for exception BUT community input is required. (Can you say ACORN?)

    Page 335 L 16-25 Pg 336-339: The Govt mandates establishment of=2 outcome-based measures. (HC the way they want -- rationing.)
    Page 341 Lines 3-9: The Govt has authority to disqualify Medicare Advance Plans, HMOs, etc. (Forcing people into the Govt plan)

    Page 354 Sec 1177: The Govt will RESTRICT enrollment of 'special needs people!' Unbelievable!

    Page 379 Sec 1191: The Govt creates more bureaucracy via a "Tele-Health Advisory Committee." (Can you say HC by phone?)

    Page 425 Lines 4-12: The Govt mandates "Advance-Care Planning Consult." (Think senior citizens end-of-life patients.)

    Page 425 Lines 17-19: The Govt will instruct and consult regarding living wills, durable powers of attorney, etc. (And it'smandatory!)
    Page 425 Lines 22-25, 426 Lines 1-3: The Govt provides an "approved" list of end-of-life resources; guiding you in death. (Also called 'assisted suicide.')(Sounds like Soylent Green to me.)

    Page 427 Lines 15-24: The Govt mandates a program for orders on "end-of-life." (The Govt has a say in how your life ends!)

    Page 429 Lines 1-9: An "advanced-care planning consultant" will be used frequently as a patient's health deteriorates.

    Page 429 Lines 10-12: An "advanced care consultation" may include an ORDER for end-of-life plans.. (AN ORDER TO DIE FROM THE GOVERNMENT?!?)

    Page 429 Lines 13-25: The GOVT will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order.. (I wouldn't want to stand before God after getting paid for THAT job!)

    Page 430 Lines 11-15: The Govt will decide what level of treatment you will have at end-of-life! (Again -- no choice!)

    Page 469: Community-Based Home Medical Services = Non-Profit Organizations. (Hello? ACORN Medical Services here!?!)

    Page 489 Sec 1308: The Govt will cover marriage and family therapy. (Which means Govt will insert itself into your marriage even.)

    Page 494-498: Govt will cover Mental Health Services including defining, creating, and rationing those services.