Friday, March 26, 2010

Financial market manipulation - Insane Greed Social Problem

Haven't we seen enough for those who follow markets that those who took money out of others in millions, billion, or trillions do not stop like those who are addicted to hunting or who are criminals. That is one of reasons that God said not to become greedy. Hyping commodity price is one example since it is needed by all targeted to price manipulation. Commodity price hype Roger is an example who is living off of fooling others using price manipulation. The main problem for the world is that we have those who prey upon others using financial market hype which is inflicting massive trouble for others.

Insane Obama money puppet is showing up on media every time when market wants to hype prices. Real motive would be to hype markets instead of really helping those who are inflicted through corruption and fraudulent financial markets.

WHO ARE GOING TO BUY TRILLIONS OF STOCK INVENTORY at this level while the mega market manipulators such as Fed Bernanke, Paulson, BlackRock Doll, Rogers, etc unloading multi-trillions of stocks to unload! Of course, the insane greed can push price with programming tradings.... Who, what, how in the world ever see normal life in this insanely greedy and fraudulent world. Matt 24.

  • Fed Bernanke-Obama CORRUPTION ~~>> Housing Aid to Focus on Jobless, Underwater Loans

    IN THE END, THE FACTS REMAIN THAT THE GREEDY NUT CRIMINAL BANKRUPTED OUR NATION AND MILLIONS OF AMERICANS! How many times defraud the market pump scam using debt bubble -- it is another fraud market scam in reality.

    1. using housing bubble/crash scam Americans.
    2. using market pump scam Americans.
    3. using bailout scam + market pump scam Americans.
    4. using recycled Tarp scam Americans.
    5. stock price manipulation bankrupting many....

Those who have rational mind would see that price hype only leads to disasters.

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