Tuesday, June 8, 2010

America & The 666 Fed Capitalism

Demonic Fed Bernanke-Greenspan-Obama living hell lies and deception along with pathological lies of Goldman greed lunatics. ~~~ US Auctions $36 Billion in 3-Year Notes at High Yield of 1.220%, Bid to Cover of 3.23
The FED deception and fraud -- debt enslavement

Who in the living hell still listen to the financial lunatics who robbed our nation and millions of people around the globe.


Investors remain nervous about the state of the global economy but should be comforted that things are generally better in the US than around the world, Goldman Sachs analyst Abby Joseph Cohen told CNBC.

"The US economic recovery, even though it's in fits and starts and even though we're disappointed at the rate of the increase in jobs creation, is doing better than most of the other developed economies, including those in Western Europe and Japan," said Cohen, president of Goldman's Global Markets Institute.

While Cohen said investors should keep a close watch on what is happening around the world, particularly in struggling European economies such as Greece and Hungary, she said most of the damage already has been taken into account.

The FED 666 Reserve Madoff: Our federal national debt has increased to nearly three times
The FED 666 Reserve Madoff: Our federal national debt has increased to nearly three times

the rate it was under Bush when it averaged $1.9 billion per day, it now averages $4.9 billion per day under Obama and has now exceeded the $13 trillion mark!
Treasury Dept. reported debt as of Tuesday : $13,050,826,460,886.97
Cannibalizing the future of our children, "for the children?"


"Love, Light, Father's Love" vs "666 - Fed capitalism"

If many are falling into the false religion, aka New Age Religion or NWO faith, it will not work -- thus says the Lord our God.

Christianity revival.

ISRAEL WILL FAIL IF THEY TRUST MONEY AND NEW RELIGION -- just as the FED illuminati is doing now.

If the Illuminati continues to work on "New Age Religion", then Israel will fail, Christianity will fail as Christians continue to backslide as that is NOT the FATHER'S WILL. We must do the Will of Father in order to enter into the Kingdom of God as Jesus said.

We must pray and know what is going on instead of blaming Obama since it is obvious that Obama is placed there by the FED money. The FED illuminati corrupted Christians for money and power, and as long as that continues, Christians continue to backslide and will fail just same as many Christians have. And all will continue to be enslaved by the money lure, aka mammon.

We need to get back to the spiritual revival in order to defend ourselves spiritually -- unless the FED illuminati helps with the revival of Christianity instead of brainwashing all with materialism, The LOVE & PEACE theory which they are working on will not work because our GOD is real -- not man-made religion.

If many are falling into the false religion, aka New Age Religion or NWO faith, it will not work -- thus says the Lord our God. Numbers 20

God bless

http://s5.tinypic.com/15zmdcg_th.jpg2 Chronicles 7:14 http://s5.tinypic.com/15zmdcg_th.jpg America cry out to God. We pray God to restore America from living in Sodom and Gomorrah.

2 Chronicles 7:24

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