"I will love you forever till the end of time. Tell me the same everything is fine. The words that you want to hear. Take my hand let's face the fear. That you and me will be together. In our hearts always forever. Don't have to think once or twice. I love you let's go into this nice. Picture we see in front of us. It's beautiful skies there is no rust. Only us happily living our lives. Our happiness abounds it will always shine. So remember my dear the words I say are true. Forever and always I love you." |
The oldest known image of the apostles Andrew and John have been discovered in catacombs under the city of Rome, dating back to the 4th century A.D., archaeologists announced Tuesday.


As you can see, the Oil is already out of barriers or restraints and freely flowing to where it wants.

And the Gulf Stream says it will land in Miami eventually and even Europe if not capped eventually.

The first piece of land affected by the Oil spill is called FreeMason Island.
Also, the Chandeleur Islands are named after the Candles (Chandelles) used in a religious holiday commemorating the entrance of Jesus in the Temple where the Pharisees ruled, and to me symbolizes the beginning of Biblical troubles for the ruling class of today or the Pharisees of today as God sets Karma in motion. As they burn the Oil near Chandeleur Island, I see it has a forced homage, sacrifice and offering to the Lord for purifying of our sins, and many people will sacrifice much from this spill.
Candlemas is a Christian religious party officially called the Presentation of the Christ to the Temple. One said also formerly Hypapante. She commemorates the Presentation of the child Jesus to the Temple of Jerusalem and purification (or the relevailles) of his mother, the holy Virgin (Luc, II, 22). The popular name of this party in French, Candlemas, has a Latin and pagan origin the festa candelarum or celebrates candles, according to a solid custom to light candles to midnight in symbol of purification


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