Saturday, October 30, 2010

Double Top of 4 year cycle

One of real problems of our economy is "Trade deficit" and "Exporting Jobs". All other talks are just ST quick fix which will aggravate future economy. With Bear Market, I believe that Fed Bernanke will receive Nobel Prize Peace easily.

Double top of 4 yr cycle ~ down, down, down until 2011-2012.

Sell, Sell, Sell -- don't get married to your stocks.

Hop on sell, sell, sell~~~~~~ TAKE PROFIT & PAY TAX

Why good earnings? What do you expect after ruthless cuts! Of course, after corporations cut costs and have done reorganization until they become profitable, they would report good earnings. It is ruthless cut as we can see the economic and financial impact. Hyping markets based on such nonsense by robbing Treasury creating debt bubbles is literally Grand, fraudulent Robbery which is enormous fortune to the few pigs. The final effects of the fraudulent manipulation are the Profits from robbing Treasury and manipulating financial markets. This is nightmare.

Why higher earnings should pay more taxes? For the following reason for example. The high income takers are mostly due to unjust practices, for example, corporate CEOs who know the real operations of capitalistic mind sets while most of Americans are naive about the hidden agenda, e.g. simple as the Fed Reserve is private, enormous profit oriented entity while most of Americans thought it was non-profit government entity!

Therefore, they used the fraudulent knowledge to swindle naive Americans who are mostly brainwashed by the corporate propaganda -- with the simple and direct reason, for example, they should pay higher taxes.

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