Wednesday, November 24, 2010

American time bomb

Millions of Americans are living in poverty because of deceptive propaganda misleading people -- not only in America, but also around the globe. Even though all around the globe is living in the deceptive propaganda, God knows all the truth. No one can deceive God, and He is starting to speak truth through His People.

The Kudlow's statement shown below is a good example how deceptive and misleading the statement is as millions of Americans are led to poverty.

Kudlow is obviously in delusion making statement such as that as the financial markets are nothing but fraud, corruption -- robbing US Treasury using debt and defrauding Americans and America.

Stock markets are nothing but ways to defraud mass now we understand what is going on with the Fed Reserve corruption and fraud against Americans and America.

Making such fraudulent statements in financial media -- almost entire Europe went bankrupt, and now USA along with millions of Americans are living in poverty while only 2% owning the financial markets.

OBAMA IS CLEAR on what his position is verses greedy republican wanting to run up another 2-3 trillions debt -- republicans insanity.

There is no confusion as to What Americans must do as Obama said.
I hope that he makes right decision -- REPEAT and EXPLAIN the reality of parabolic debt in simple English like I have above.

Americans need "HONEST LEADERS", not a bunch of crooks and liars which we have seen.

OBAMA IS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT HERE in the speech link below.
Tax cut to upto $250,000 and higher tax above $250,000.

BUSH RUINED AMERICANS AND AMERICA, and now greedy Republicans.

Obama decision now will be his asset to debate during 2012 against Republicans destroying America, e.g. The detrimental Bush $600 billions decision against Americans and America in 2008.

He is the leader, and He must make a right choice and EXPLAIN it to Americans, sooner or later -- truth prevail!

THE TRUTH IS BUSH 2008 DECISION WAS DESTROYING AMERICANS AND AMERICA, and, I hope that Obama does not make the same detrimental and criminal decisions against all.

By going along with Republican tax-cut literal robbery, he does not have anything to gain. Eventually, ALL lose because of the few greed.

May Obama make a right decision.

Americans' hope is OBAMA firing Bernanke & Geithner, and take over US Treasury -- that's what Americans wanted him to do when he was elected. Restore sanity from Fed madness -- remember, 2008 election was during Bush-Paulson greed corruption bailout.

Fed Bernanke QE is another "FRAUD" and "American financial death spiral".

Americans must know fraudulent the Fed Reserve, US Treasury, Obama, Bush, etc. destroying America and Americans -- and take serious actions now.

Bush has destroyed America by rescuing the banks with 600 billion before he left. Now Bernanke and Geithner along with politicians are destroying America and Americans as shown below how they are robbing Americans and America.

Now the saved banks are destroying America for US Government has to operate with the debt from the Fed Reserve which Americans paid for their fraud and corruption. 50% of US Tax Income is paying for the interest to the Fed Reserve, and it will soon be 100% Tax Income to pay interest to Fed Reserve when interest rate goes up by only a couple of points. This nightmare will be hyperbole as time passes by for all of Americans will be paying for interest to Fed Reserve -- and just to pay interest, tax rate has to be raised. Government can't operate -- so more money is borrowed from the fraudulent Fed Reserve. This vicious and detrimental cycle will take all of Americans and America to death spiral. Not only America, but also All around the globe.

If Bush has let banks to fail, American tax payer of 600 billion could be saving Americans and America. Bush again destroyed America. Americans must act now and save ourselves from destructive and detrimental death spiral -- as well as all around the globe for the same greed is defrauding all.

.......... "The federal debt has increased by more than 50% since 2006, due to a collapsed economy and the highly controversial decision to bail out the banks. By the end of 2009, the debt was up to $12.3 trillion; but the interest paid on it ($383 billion) was actually less than in 2006 ($406 billion), because interest rates had been pushed to extremely low levels. Interest now eats up nearly half the government’s income tax receipts, which are estimated at $899 billion for FY 2010. Of this, $414 billion will go to interest on the federal debt. If interest rates were to rise just a couple of percentage points, servicing the federal debt would consume over 100% of current income tax receipts, and taxes might have to be doubled." ...............


This is an old article

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