Monday, November 15, 2010

Debt bubble markets & Obama on Tax

Lopsided and disportioned few sucking up wealth from mass, rich is further ruining Economy after bankrupting millions of Americans and USA. There are a few rich taking all the wealth sucking up from millions of people. However, they do not spend the money. All they do is taking money from mass.

Even though rich spend some for high priced products, if they do, the numbers are few; therefore, it is irrational to keep on feeding rich.

For example, expecting recovery in bad economy by feeding financial markets does not make sense because they DO NOT spend money. A few taking money while economy continues to deteriorate like what we have seen for the last two years. ALL WE HAVE SEEN IS OVER FED-PIGS of PUMPED MARKETS.

Poor spend all they have, and now all their money is taken by rich.

Rich is getting a lot of money, but they do not spend the money clogging up economy as well. Therefore, taking profit of the market run to pay tax on enormous market run and paying tax is most rational at the current economic and financial juncture.

Agree with Obama. Obama tax-cut, and it is best to take profit before pigs get slaughtered and lose the 2009-2010 profit. Right on the Obama move on tax-cut and spend-cut.

Politically speaking, Obama would be realizing, by now, that hyping markets has not helped Democrat as proven by the 2010 election result. The fundamental reason would be, among other several major factors, that most of American wealth in the financial market is own by a very few which does not impact election result even though the few may supported candidates through their political donations. Taking profit and paying tax is most rational outcome at the current juncture. More the Fed Reserve and the Gov try to manipulate markets during the long term K-cycle, we will face worse outcome - if anyone really cares about economic health and mass.

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