Monday, September 29, 2008

Greed Monster Drama

Republicans Slaughtering Mc PALIN

GREED MONSTERS: big financial fiasco scam before they get out.

Paulson/greenspan gang evil greed monsters crushed markets with financial fiasco drama.

$COMPX     1983.73 -199.61 -9.14%
$INDU 10365.45 -777.68 -6.98%
$INX 1106.42 -106.59 -8.79%

Obviously, Republicans know that they are losing the race, so they are robbing Main Street before they got out.

BIG SCAM: started with the initial repeal of the Glass-Stegall Act to R.E. Bubble and Bust by freemarketeers.

Greedy Republicans are taking money out before they get out. The vote says it all.
I commented on the hype of bubble/bust.

Democratic 140 to 95

Republican 65 to 133

Total 205 to 228

Republicans are divided and greedy to support the MAIN Street, now, Main Street is getting robbed while Wall Street is profiting from Shorts.

I have commented on the R.E. hype with deceptive financing for years since Jan 2006. Considering all the facts and the events of the big money manipulating markets, it is obvious if you followed the market actions long enough. With 100-1000 pages of market speculations, it is easy to lose the sight from what is really going on. The bottom line is that the Paulson-Greenspan big money is literally wiping out American wealth - Savings, Home Equities, and now 401k once again after the 911 terrorist attack/conspiracy. Using deception by which many were falling into is not the excuse for robbing Americans and the world finance sheepsters. The market volatility is friend to big money and is enemy to sheepsters. Now, the big money is pushing markets to rob before they get out of the Treasury loops because they know that they are losing the presidential race. By the way, I was supporting Mc PALIN, however, it is obvious that Republicans are bailing out and divided with Ron Paul hype riding another bandwagon. It is mess. Very sorry to see what is going on the extreme greed slaughtering and taking wealth out of Americans.

Now they are robbing Americans 401k after they robbed American savings and house equities!

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