Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Internation Free Marketeerers

~~ Americans are being robbed by international FREE MARKETEERS ~~

Our financial market is not what it used to be. International big funds are robbing Americans wealth using volatility in the stock markets for quick money.

We need to educate Americans about the change as stock markets are now FOR PROFIT manipulated by internationally colluded money.


It is the international FREE MARKET SYSTEM, alleged Greenspan swiss accounts as example.

Americans are used to be robbed by the international FREE MARKETEERS, especially using stock markets with colluded international bank funds for quick money scams.

It is obvious that many international noise makers are rattling Americans to confuse, to divide, to brainwash for easy dupe money scam.

QUICK MONEY SCAMS ~ It is the international FREE MARKET SYSTEM, alleged Greenspan swiss accounts as example.

Americans are used to be robbed by the international FREE MARKETEERS, especially using stock markets with colluded international bank funds for quick money scams using big American stock markets.

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