Thursday, March 5, 2009

God vs Money Deception

Market hell monsters are dragging down the markets to pits -- now the greedy demons chanting DOW 6000 - SPX 600, stealing from many on the way up and on the way down just retracing back to the evil greed deceptive path. Now any traders probably know what is going on with the markets. 7000 to 6000 deceiving many to hell where they will go in Eternity. Not sheepsters.

The demon monsters power is so powerful than ever before -- as said before, only God is more powerful than the money power.


Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." I can't pretend serving the two. I have chosen God years ago. Shalom

Posted by: __1Best__ Date: Monday, February 23, 2009 6:27:58 PM

We are now passed the 1973-1974 40% recession sell-off as markets are sold off 50%. DOW 6000 is a longer term support.

We can better remember the last three recessions, but the 1929 case is the worst of all -- which we could see it as the Bush admin effect.

May God deliver us from the deception which we went through especially during the Bush and Greenspan era.

From the beginning, when satan entered into the garden of Eden, we are battling with satan every day just like Cain killed his brother Abel.

We ask God to show His Mercy and Grace. I have many questions to God when we meet Him, but I believe in His Justices and Grace.

The deception:
1. INSTANCES OF » By Satan (Genesis 3:4)
2. INSTANCES OF » Abraham, in stating that Sarah was his sister (Genesis 12:13;20:2)
3. INSTANCES OF » Isaac, in stating that his wife was his sister (Genesis 26:7)
4. INSTANCES OF » Jacob and Rebekah, in imposing Jacob on his father, and Jacob's impersonating Esau (Genesis 27:6-23)
5. INSTANCES OF » Jacob's sons, in entrapping the Shechemites (Genesis 34:13-31)
6. INSTANCES OF » In representing to their father that Joseph had been destroyed by wild beasts (Genesis 37:29-35)
7. INSTANCES OF » Joseph, in his ruse with his brothers (Genesis 42;;)
8. INSTANCES OF » The Gibeonites, in misrepresenting their habitat (Joshua 9:3-15)
9. INSTANCES OF » Ehud deceives Eglon, and kills him (Judges 3:15-30)
10. INSTANCES OF » Delilah deceives Samson (Judges 16:4-20)
11. INSTANCES OF » David feigns madness (1 Samuel 21:10-15)
12. INSTANCES OF » Amnon deceives Tamar by feigning sickness (2 Samuel 13:6-14)
13. INSTANCES OF » Hushai deceives Absalom (2 Samuel 16:15-19)
14. INSTANCES OF » Sanballat tries to deceive Nehemiah (Nehemiah 6)
15. INSTANCES OF » When he avenged his sister (2 Samuel 13:24-28)
16. INSTANCES OF » When he began his conspiracy (2 Samuel 15:7)
17. INSTANCES OF » The old prophet (1 Kings 13:18)
18. INSTANCES OF » Gehazi (2 Kings 5:20)
19. INSTANCES OF » Job's friends (Job 6:15)
20. INSTANCES OF » Doeg (Psalms 52:2)
21. INSTANCES OF » Herod (Matthew 2:8)
22. INSTANCES OF » Pharisees (Matthew 22:16)
23. INSTANCES OF » Chief priests (Mark 14:1)
24. INSTANCES OF » Lawyer (Luke 10:25)
25. INSTANCES OF » Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1)

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