Monday, March 9, 2009

Market hype and direction

Most of the reported comments and news are still hyping pessimism to profit (steal) from the rest. It is becoming more evident that Obama is following the crowd poll as well as markets -- contrary to the Bush admin.

Obama reversing most of what Bush has legislated, this world is getting messier. Obama following the crowd polls and with the intellectualism, the world economy, finance, and geopolitical affairs will be only more corrupt, oppressive, and unfair as it is written in the Book.

Market numerology is related to biblical numerology.

Market making SPX 666.79, satan must have used the nut to do this. This world is getting crazier.

(CNN) -- The pastor of a Maryville, Illinois, church was shot to death during a service Sunday in front of horrified parishioners who then tackled the gunman, state police said.

Fred Winters, the pastor of the First Baptist Church, was shot and killed during the 8 a.m. service, and the attacker and two parishioners suffered knife wounds in the attack, authorities said.

The gunman entered during the service and walked up to the pulpit.

Based on what I understood intellectually and spiritually, Islam is very oppressive toward women because of the biblical history in the O.T. -- Adam/Eve and Rebekah/Jacob as examples.

Based on what is written on this website as one example, many agree that it is our understanding and misinterpretation of God causes many divisions among the believers. That is my position that the Bible is the Words of God, it is not a complete mind of God. It is only a portion of God's attribute. The differences among Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is because our limited understanding of God. I have questions which only God can answer and will see when we see Him.

I mention faith because obviously it is important for global affairs such as wars and hate among believers. I think that it is the very core of the problems which we are dealing with in global sense. Unless we change our fundamental belief, nothing will be changed as we can see that human being can be EASILY corrupted to cause troubles. We need to change our fundamental belief in order to have hope and to change the world to head to better and peaceful future.

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