Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Too far, too fast Volatity SPX 800 20% up since 3/6/2009

Markets have traded to the first targets: SPX 800, Qs 30, Nasdaq 1500, DOW 7500 with high volatility because we do not have genuine economic reasons for markets to trade up. Because of the speed of market price manipulation, it is completely insanity to be fooled into too many times before the 1Q earning report. Financial market is not what it used to be. Don't take Volatility Drug.
Markets are trading at pivotal resistances: Intraday HOD so far SPX 731.92, SPY 73.75, Qs 27.99 -- consolidating near at R1 which was the case yesterday. A follow-through day with the rally yesterday would provide some positive sentiment as markets are oversold and now daily/weekly indicators are showing a sign of price improvement with internal positive divergences -- targets to RST formation wave upside, Qs 34 +/- and SPX 850 +/- -- with the impulse wave, so far, in progress.

Friday, March 06, 2009 5:10:03 PM
MARKET BOTTOM: SPX 683.38 0.83 0.12%
SPX 666.79

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