Monday, March 1, 2010

Bernanke-Obama debt bubble- disaster profiteering *

We could be seeing war profiteering and science-eco-war profiteering.

After bubbling up trillions debt using Treasury and bankrupting millions of Americans, now, wants to do something about it by creating regulatory rules? It is political, economical, and financial scam which fooled millions of Americans and all around the globe as we are seeing only after the financial scams. The system is corrupt beyond repair in reality as the same corrupt money deceiving Americans for decades are still robbing all. Why would Greece be targeted? We need to consider historical background going back to ancient history.

Obviously FED Bernanke-Obama propaganda deceiving Americans via 401k financial insanity while robbing the nation in Trillions. When entire nation is getting robbed in trillions, there is no sense in 401k rotten and nonsensical holding based on debt bubble. Bidden is showing up to 401k nonsensical propaganda luring in uninformed Americans.

There is no financial logic to lure in 401k when financial markets are insanely bubbled up based on trillions of debt. It is financial robbery in reality <<~~~ rotten 401k on debt bubble We are facing rotten financial system based on debt bubbles and rotten money-puppet politicians deceiving Americans. Our entire system is increasingly corrupt and nonsensical; and, having false hope is creating bigger and detrimental disasters in near future as any sound financial professionals would know that we are living in financially and politically rotten state. Americans were deceived for decades, and we can not expect anything different from the FED-Obama who are continuing to deceive Americans robbing trillions out of Treasury using economic theories and financial market manipulation. Greenspan has literally robbed trillions by creating bubbles of all kinds and we are still going through the same foolish, rotten path under Fed Bernanke. Rotten Fed and politicians have led Americans and many around the globe to rotten bubble debt path, and still many are fooled into rotten propaganda.

We don't have rational and practical solutions.

Many are deceived by all kinds of and different degrees of deception. Unfortunately, many are deceived by fraudulent activities, however, because of highly orchestrated corruption, the corruption can't be corrected. We need Divine Help from the HOLY SPIRIT to discern what we are facing with and to pray Jesus to return to destroy greedy, deceptive power devouring many.

What we are seeing during the recent years is the End-Time phenomenon. No one knows exact time of the Second Coming of Christ, however, we are seeing a plenty of evidences as Jesus described signs of His Coming in Matthew 24.

For example, some have fallen in love with Obama blinding your eyes, and with false hope for material gratification, whether it is small or big blinded, the false hope blinded their discerning spirit. When I heard of Obama faith which I am not sure exactly what he believes, it was quite obvious that he is not a fundamental Christian, but believes in a cult-like faith. We are now seeing many are following cult-like faith, e.g. those who think that Obama is any different than Bush who was one of those who were using Americans for their power and greed under the Federal Reserve who literally and effectively deceived Americans for decades as we have seen that Americans were getting demolished by the Greenspan economic, political and financial manipulation. And furthermore, Bernanke has literally stolen trillions out of Treasury after literally bankrupting millions of Americans. Do we have factual proof? No, because we weren't given enough access to prove the cases and because the corruption is all the way to the top, it became untouchable, except by GOD, Himself.

Many are learning the facts during the recent years, but some still have audacity to deceive others using financial and political media. Of course the Fed owns all media and will choose only those who are willing to tell misleading and false information. Therefore, those who are willing to sell their soul to money are obviously what we see and hear.Obama is just an actor who is just looking for his personal gratification, power, and greed while he is deceiving himself as if he is helping anyone. However, even though he thinks he is helping poor and blacks, he is not because he is spiritually killing all who believe in him as he is a deceiver, just another demon as in Genesis 3 and Matthew 4.

Of course, many are also sold their souls, just like Obama. While no one is perfect, Obama is one of most arrogant being who is willing to do just about anything, e.g. blaspheming the Words of God, like you think that it is not the Words of God but manipulated by men, per you Roman era.American political and financial system is corrupt and beyond repair because the greedy power holding the country and the globe is the same greedy power which deceived all around the globe. Even though many are now learning the facts, we still have millions around the globe are fooled or ignorant about the facts.

And of course, the highly orchestrated corruption which I described can not be proven in the US Court System since entire country is corrupt; however, they can not fool GOD ALMIGHTY who knows all hidden truth and hidden intention of our hearts. He will avenge and judge us all in the end. Meanwhile we must take actions against devils scheme as God said to resist the devil and we are fighting spiritual battles as well.After robbing trillions out of Treasury and bankrupting millions of Americans, now, wants to do something about it? It is political, economical, and financial scam which fooled millions of Americans and all around the globe. The system is corrupt beyond repair as the same corrupt money deceiving Americans for decades are still robbing all. Rotten, rotten deceivers from hell as in Genesis 3 and Matthew 4.

Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) and Republican member Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) are closer than ever to drafting a bipartisan bill on financial regulatory reform, but negotiations will stretch into next week, Congressional sources say.

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