Friday, March 5, 2010

Financia market hype based on cooked data

Once the corruption cooking is done, US and European markets will blow up

like a nuclear bomb because it is cooked with very high debt pressure cooker manipulation.

This is a complete insane financial disaster as what it is saying is to rob the nation with debt. THE PROBLEM IS POLICIES AND FINANCIAL CORRUPTION.
Nothing is new when the FED Bernanke is literally stealing trillions out of US Treasury. Markets are still hyped upside using Treasury debt. The corruption never ends. Be aware uninformed. More excuses, hype, and manipulation -- nothing else can be expected -- NO ETHICS or INTEGRITY.

Some ugly data points, courtesy of David Rosenberg of Gluskin Sheff, im anticipation of Friday’s NFP release:

Employment-to-Population Ratio: Men (25-54 Years)

Labour Force Participation Rate: Men (25-54 Years)

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