Monday, March 29, 2010

Financial market corruption continues to rob nations

Market manipulation to upside (squeezing hell out of shortside) then downside (squeezing hell out of longside).

AMERICAN FINANCIAL NIGHTMARES to upside and to downside.

Slaughtering to upside and to downside using financial market manipulation.

American Christians are now brainwashed and bankrupted under the massive manipulation.

The Fed - Gov lied to me and to Americans, and continued to rob and to deceive. This is another form similar to Hitler Financial massacre to upside and to downside -- living hell nightmares.

The injustices and corruption robbing nations around the world continues. We are seeing wealth disparity more than ever before as markets are continuing to be manipulated while robbing Treasuries around the world.

There is nothing surprising about any suicide bombing as many around the world are stunned, outraged, and angered by the grand scams which we are seeing.

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