Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Americans vs the Fed Reserve

Fed Greenspan & Bernanke greedy demons brainwashed Christians into lunatic materialism and favoritism turning Christian nations into demonic debt slavery and lunatic idol worship.

Misery caused by the greedy Greenspan & Fed Bernanke market and economy manipulation -- literally suck away trillions around the globe.

The Fed Bernanke Co is demons from living hell -- greed sucking away trillions around the world using fraud and deception.

$COMPX 2093.88 2.09 0.10% 2,112,854
$INDU 9743.62 57.14 0.59% 1,381,659
$INX 1028.06 5.48 0.54%

The Fed Reserve = the Jaws destroying nations around the world using Economic theory manipulation and media brainwash as we see USA and Europe is enslaved by debts, and now they are working on Asian countries. China in bankruptcy within next 10 years, maybe.

# Italy Is the Ticking Time Bomb: Economist # Fed's Fisher Warns of US Economic Slowdown # EU Reveals Backup Plan for Troubled Banks # China's Property 'Collapse' Will Hit Banks: Rogoff # iPhone Supply Chain Highlights Rising Costs in China # Sarkozy's Office Denies Heiress Donation Report # Australia Keeps Rates Unchanged, Stays Upbeat on Asia # Citigroup Weighs Moving Proprietary Traders: Report

There was a Jaws marathon on the Encore channel a USA cable movie channel. "Jaws," directed by Steven Spielberg, was made for about $7 million. It opened 35 years ago last week.


Madoff Fed Greenspan-Bernanke fraud manipulation living hell lies and deception

Bankrupting China in 10 years:
same fraudulent economic manipulation which bankrupted America and Europe.

While Americans are fooled into the Fed Reserve/Fed fraud, most of Asians might still not know the facts.

there was a Jaws marathon on the Encore channel a USA cable movie channel.
"Jaws," directed by Steven Spielberg, was made for about $7 million.
It opened 35 years ago last week.


  • Fed Bernanke & Greenspan lies and deception which we heard.
  • We heard the similar b.s. from TS Paulson while millions of Americans were fooling into grand drama.

    U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Tuesday he was confident the U.S. economy would continue to grow as it repairs damage from the financial crisis, but conceded that recoveries are "never even, never steady."

The Most Important Treasury Secretary You’ve Never Heard Of

* Joshua M Brown
* June 26th, 2010

Think fast - who's on the $10,000 bill? Granted, you may never have actually seen or held one in your hands, but you'd probably know the name if I said it, right?

~>Okay - it's Salmon P. Chase who appears on it.

Never heard of him, right? As we approach Independence Day, I thought we'd take a look at a fairly obscure but important American, the man who both created the national banking system and invented America's paper currency.

Salmon was a politician from Ohio in the mid-19th century, one of the most outspoken anti-slavery voices in the nation. He ran for the Presidency as the first Republican candidate, eventually throwing his support behind Abe Lincoln for the national race. Lincoln ultimately made Chase his Secretary of the Treasury after the election.

As Treasury Secretary from 1861 to 1864, Salmon Chase raised the $500 million needed to finance the Civil War after striving hard to prevent it's having to be fought at all. To accomplish this, he sold war bonds with the help of early investment bankers Jay Cooke & Co.

Chase also was the father of our modern paper currency as he created the first "greenback" demand note in 1861. We won't hold the fact that his own face appeared on many of these notes against him. Chase is said to have personally made the decision to have "In God We Trust" added to the bills as well.

Salmon Chase died at the the age of 65 in 1873 and the Chase Manhattan Bank (now a part of JPMorgan Chase) was named in his honor. From 1928 to 1946, the $10,000 bill was printed and circulated with his face on it.

Anti-slavery activist, proto-Republican and creator of the US paper currency - Salmon Chase is a name you should know.



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