Friday, July 23, 2010

May God deliver us from the American nightmare

What is happening to Americans and America: It is really like a rape of Americans and America by the Federal Reserve and gangs because most of Americans are fooled into the Feds.

1. Fed Reserve bankrupted millions of Americans using market hype, Christianity, immorality, media hype, brainwash, sex, etc.

2. They rob and are bankrupting America in trillions.

3. Oppress our Americans' value to keep poor victims to be quiet.

4. Preach peace and love to keep people quiet.

5. Repeat the cycle over again.

So, we need to deal with the Fed Reserve since politicians are puppets.

Most of Asians are fooled into the American dream
which is actually American nightmare for many.

Most of Americans and all around the globe are fooled into the Fed Reserve & politicians drama. After I researched and analyzed financial data, historical events, histories around the globe, I came to the conclusion that the Fed Reserve is 666 and has fraudulently misled Americans, and now bankrupting USA after Europe. Don't be fooled into the fraudulent drama or think that you will not be one of victims because sooner or later you will be. Take actions now. God called me to enlighten you because He loves you as I love Him.

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